Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 26
[ Bosnia-Herzegovina ]
Bosnian Adventure: We are looking for a few volunteers to work with us on either of two projects in Bosnia this summer (approx. June 13 to July 13).One involves teaching conversational English to high school students in Gracanica, a town west of Tuzla in northeast Bosnia. The students already know varying degrees of English, and are divided according to their level into three different groups. Most of the students in Gracanica today are Bosniak, i.e. of Moslem background. In addition to the high school program, we may also have a class for grade schoolers in the nearby village of Malesici.
Our second Bosnian project involves the restoration of a centuries-old library in the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Spirit, 35 miles west of Sarajevo. This priceless library contains more than 20,000 books, including thirteen incunabula (books printed before 1500 AD). It also holds about 3,000 Turkish documents. Last summer, together with a team of young Bosnian library students, we cleaned and catalogued 3500 volumes. In addition to this library project, we are
also planning to institute a new school of conversational English for young people in Fojnica.
For more information about either of these opportunities, please email:, or call (617) 661 5914.
Prof. Thomas Butler,
Director, Builders For Peace,
5 Ellsworth Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02139
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