Postings mit Schlagwort "Bosnia" (5)

 SEE Visions 

posted by Julia 15 years ago
A team of individuals from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Romania, who are taking part in a programme funded by the TRANSFUSE Association and the College of Europe, together with NGO HIŽA have launched the competition ‘Express Europe through your Eyes’ for young individuals of South East Europe. As explained on the website - where the young artists have posted their art works as blogs - "the main goal of the competition is to provide space for young people from the region to express their views on the EU through different art forms, but also to gain information and knowledge about the EU." (more...)

 Understanding Bosnia... 

posted by Julia 15 years ago
... is the title of an article by Vildana Skocajic and Anes Alic (click here for episode one + two). After some delay due to negotiations with the US it seems that Austrian diplomat V. Inzko will be the next High Representative in BiH. Former High Representative Paddy Ashdown was criticised for using the "Bonn Powers", Schwarz-Schilling for his "ownership" policies. Miroslav Lajcak had a tougher stance in the crisis following the separatist threats of RS-PM Dodik, but also tried to be closer to the Bosnians, especially to young people (cf. the website). (more...)

 EU Should Keep Up Pressure on Belgrade 

posted by Julia 16 years ago
Despite "Serbia's newfound appetite for international justice", IWPR correspondant Simon Jennings argues that the "EU Should Keep Up Pressure on Belgrade". "Given the recent arrests (...), it is regrettable that European chiefs are looking to relax their strict conditions on movement towards integration just when they are starting to work", e.g. by initiating a trade agreement with Serbia.
Related stories: a recently published BIRN article on the fate of Sarajevo's Jews during the war and an IWPR article on Visegrad where people "do not know anything" about what happened during the war. A propos Visegrad and the war: if you are looking for an easy-to-read novel for the end of the Christmas/New Years holidays, I can recommend Sasa Stanisic': Wie der Soldat das Grammofon repariert/How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone (click here or here to read an extract in English).

 "Alternative Nobel" for Monika Hauser 

posted by Julia 16 years ago

Monika Hauser, the founder of the NGO medica mondiale, has dedicated her life to supporting women who are victims of psychological, physical, and sexual violence in crisis regions. Medica mondiale has started its activities during the war in Bosnia and is still active in the Balkan region (as in many other crisis regions in the world). Monika Hauser will be awarded the "Alternative Nobel" prize next Monday (8 Dec). Here is an interview with her (in German).

 Beqë Cufaj: Seine Taten, unsere Welt 

posted by Julia 16 years ago

Reflecting on the role of the ICTY, I remembered an article I had read by Beqe Cufaj on Karadzic's arrest, "an opportunity for justice" as B. Cufaj puts it: "As the victims are condemned to eternal silence, the perpetrators have to speak now" (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 24.07.08). But we should not believe the "rhetoric of criminals" which denies any responsiblity. Nor should we shift the whole responsibility onto the war criminals - we should rather ask us about our personal responsibility, argues B. Cufaj: We are responsible for shaping the future, while Karadzic can only tell us about the past. Below you will find a copy of the article (in German) which is not available on the FAZ website (any more):


This weblog is a forum for discussion on the political and social processes linked to EU integration in the Western Balkans. We would also like to use this space to create a virtual network of researchers on this topic. You are most welcome to contribute to this weblog with comments, postings, links, or photos. Please use the "add comment" function at the end of each posting!
All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.
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