Conferences (25)

 Politische Kultur in (Südost)Europa 

posted by Julia 15 years ago

Die Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft und die Deutsche Welle veranstalten am 17. und 18. September 2009 in der Räumen der Deutschen Welle in Bonn eine internationale Konferenz zum Thema Politische Kultur in (Südost)Europa – Charakteristika, Vermittlung, Wandel. Das Programm und weitere Informationen gibt es hier.


 The EU and the Western Balkans: The Objectives of the Slovenian EU Presidency 

posted by Julia 16 years ago

From 12 to 13 September 2008, an international conference will take place in Berlin on "The EU and the Western Balkans: The Objectives of the Slovenian EU Presidency", co-organised by the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft and the German Foreign Office (more info below):

 The Balkans in Paris 

posted by Julia 16 years ago

For those of you who are in Paris, here are the next dates proposed by the French Association of Balkanic Studies AFEBALK (conference on 14 January, seminars on 18 January and 15 February): 

 Conferences - Part 22 

posted by julia 17 years ago
Das n-ost Netzwerk für Osteuropaberichterstattung organisiert eine Medienkonferenz in Sofia für Journalisten vom 3.-7. Oktober 2007 (Konferenzsprache Deutsch). Bewerbungsschluss: 3. September.

 Conferences - Part 21 

posted by julia 17 years ago
The New Bulgarian University and the Institute of History of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences organize a conference on Modern Nationalism: Its European and Balkan Dimensions, to be held on November 23-24, 2007, at the NBU. The principal object of the conference is to provide opportunity for discussion of a set of problems in their historical, political and cultural aspects: The Genesis of Nationalism in Europe; The Age of Nations: the 19th Century and After; Ethno-national Conflicts in the 20th Century; The Future of the National State in the 21st Century. Submision of applications and summaries are expected until August 31, 2007. Contact person: Roumen Genov.

 Conferences - Part 20 

posted by julia 17 years ago
The Alexander Langer Foundation in Bozen/Bolzano (Italy) is organising an international dialogue week in Srebrenica (BiH) with the title International Cooperation For Memory from 27 August to 1 September 2007. Information in Italian is available on their website, for further information (in other languages), please contact Gabriel Auer.

 Conferences - Part 19 

posted by julia 17 years ago
2 days left to apply for the Regional Programme on Human Rights for Participants from Eastern Europe, Balkans and Central Asia of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Lund (Sweden) (Application deadline: July 29, 2007). Candidates from the following countries are invited to apply: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russian Federation, Serbia (including Kosovo), Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Application forms here..

 Conferences - Part 18 

posted by julia 17 years ago
Until 25 July 2007 junior faculty students, young political and NGO activists can apply for participation in the Tenth International Summer School for Democracy on Transition, Islam and Democracy to be held in Belgrade, Serbia from 27th August till 7th September 2007, organized by the Centre for the Study of Democracy of the University of Westminster, London and the Anglo-Serbian Society, Belgrade. More information and application forms here and below.

 Conferences - Part 17 

posted by julia 17 years ago
The Regional European Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies (Berlin, 2-4 August 2007) offers students who are willing to help with the organisation free access to the congress sessions on Transcending Europe s Borders. The EU and its Neighbours. Deadline: 23.7.2007

 Conferences - Part 16 

posted by julia 17 years ago
The inter@nic network is an international network of young scientists dealing with ethnic reconciliation, minority rights, and post-conflict reconstruction in the Western Balkans set up in co-operation with the FP6 MIRICO project. The idea is to gather reserachers from the the Western Balkans - but membership is open to other researchers/institutes. The network is planning several conferences. For more information and contact persons, please contact A. Petricusic.

 Conferences - Part 15 

posted by julia 17 years ago
Einladung zum Ländermittag mit Imbiss: Kosovo – die Region der trügerischen Ruhe. 5.7.2007, 12h im Osteuropainstitut der FU-Berlin, Garystr.55, Raum 55/105 (1.OG). "Während die Kosovo-Albaner ganz auf die USA setzen und es ihnen relativ egal zu sein scheint, ob der Kosovo mit oder ohne UN-Resolution unabhängig wird, hofft die serbische Regierung auf ein Veto Russlands im Sicherheitsrat. Der Vorschlag der drei westlichen ständigenMitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrates, eine 120-tägige Beratungspause einzulegen,wurde von Russland abgelehnt. Wie weiter nun im festgefahrenen Streit um die Zukunft des Kosovo? Die beiden Hochschulgruppen Berliner Arbeitsgruppe für Sicherheitspolitik (BAS) und Ostblick e.V. – Regionalinitiative Osteuropastudierender laden herzlich zum ersten Ländermittag ein. Wir bieten einen Vortrag über die Zukunft des Kosovo mit anschließender Diskussion bei einem kleinen landestypischen Imbiss."

 Conferences - Part 14 

posted by julia 17 years ago

 Conferences - Part 13 

posted by julia 17 years ago
I just came back from Vienna where I attended the kakanien-Emergenzen-workshop (cf. the Redaktionsblog and the Transitory-I blog on the workshop!). I very much enjoyed our discussions and the friendly, interdisciplinary, creative, and inspiring atmosphere! The papers will be published soon on the kakanien-platform. The (rather philosophical) main lines of our discussions were:

 Conferences - Part 12 

posted by julia 18 years ago
On 27-28th October 2006, an international seminar on Restoring Justice: another way of dealing with the post-war situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina? will be organised in Sarajevo (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Criminal Justice Sciences) by the Law and Society Institute (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium) in cooperation with the Faculty of Criminal Justice Sciences (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina). The draft programme and the registration form can be downloaded here in English or in Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian.

 Conferences - Part 11 

posted by julia 18 years ago

 Conferences - Part 10 

posted by julia 18 years ago
Students from SEE who are interested to participate in a study visit to Pristina and Prizren in November should contact as soon as possible (if possible before Wednesday, 14h!) Dr. Patricia Schneider (click here for the website). Here are more details about the study trip/seminar on Minority Rights Protection and Human Rights Policies in Kosovo. Present Problems and Future Challenges:

 Conferences - Part 9 

posted by julia 18 years ago
The Nansen Dialogue Network Virtual School on "Dialogue, Democracy, and Peaceful Conflict Resolution" (Nov. 2006 - Jan. 2007) has launched a call for applications (deadline: 18 October) for politicians, NGO activists, journalists, representatives of local and regional governments and institutions from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. For questions, send an email to virtualschool@cg.yu

 Conferences - Part 8 

posted by julia 18 years ago
The European Academy in Berlin and the Robert Bosch foundation organise a conference and film-projection on Albania, its current socio-political situation and European integration process. Tuesday, 11th July, 4 - 8 pm. Europaeische Akademie Berlin, Bismarckallee 46 /48, 14193 Berlin

 Conferences - Part 7 

posted by julia 18 years ago
I recently attended a conference for junior researchers in SEE studies. On the webpage of the "Südosteuropagesellschaft" you can find details about this conference held at the end of March in Wolfenbüttel: You will find online the programme and a document (1290 KB) with the presentations of the MA or PhD theses of all participants.

 Conferences - Part 6 

posted by julia 18 years ago
For those of you who are researching on Bosnia-Herzegovina or the region, or who are simply interested in debates on state-building, religion, media, education, economy in multicultural, post-conflict societies, you might be interested in the Annual International Seminar of the Institute for Strengthening Democracy in Bosnia-Herzegovina in Konjic (between Sarajevo and Mostar), 10-14 July 2006. More details on the conference webpage. And here is an article about this "atypical" conference.

 Conferences - Part 5 

posted by julia 18 years ago
Here is an update of conferences held in 2006 by and for political scientists and sociologists who work on the Balkan and European Integration. I put together a chronologically ordered list, which you are very welcome to complete (just scroll down-down-down and hit the "reply" button!). Cf. also the Kakanien events calendar.

 Conferences - Part 4 

posted by julia 18 years ago
The year 2006 will be rich in conferences for political scientists and sociologists who work on the Balkan and European Integration. I put together a chronologically ordered list, which you are very welcome to complete (just scroll down-down-down and hit the "reply" button!). Cf. also the Kakanien events calendar.

 Conferences - Part 3 

posted by julia 18 years ago
Friends of Europe, a Brussels-based think-tank for EU policy analysis and debate, is organising a high-level conference on Bringing the Balkans into mainstream Europe in Brussels on 8 December 2005.

 Conferences - Part 2 

posted by julia 18 years ago
The Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales in Paris is organizing a one-day conference on 28 November 2005 on The Western Balkans 10 Years after Dayton: Regional Trends and Transatlantic Perspectives (click here for the programme).


posted by julia 18 years ago
This week-end I attended a "Young Scholars Conference on the State of Social Science Research in/on Bosnia-Herzegovina" (with the very general title: Politics and Society 10 Years After Dayton) organised by the Human Rights Centre of Sarajevo University.


This weblog is a forum for discussion on the political and social processes linked to EU integration in the Western Balkans. We would also like to use this space to create a virtual network of researchers on this topic. You are most welcome to contribute to this weblog with comments, postings, links, or photos. Please use the "add comment" function at the end of each posting!
All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.
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