Montenegro (4)

 Montenegro - Part 4 

posted by julia 17 years ago
Montengro has taken two important steps forward: it signed an SAA with the EU and adopted a new constitution (cf. Wikipedia, BIRN, and this blog). As Euractiv remarks, "it will still take years for Montenegro to join the EU". Montenegro has not even formally applied for EU membership. Progress is needed especially in the field of rule of law and the fight against organised crime and corruption... as in all its neighbouring countries.

 Montenegro - Part 3 

posted by julia 17 years ago
The Montenegrin draft constitution has been discussed in Parliament since January 2007, a draft document was aproved in July 2007, but there are still some very contentious issues, such as the term used for Montenegro's official language (Montenegrin? Serb?), minority rights, and decentralisation. Read more in an interesting background article by Nedjeljko Rudovic/Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN).

 Montenegro - Part 2 

posted by julia 18 years ago
The OSCE rated the Montenegrin elections as "largely in line with international standards". Here are more details about the assessment and the observed problems:


posted by julia 18 years ago
The struggle over the results of the referendum in Montenegro has not ended yet. According to Vijesti, there will be no official results before Sunday, as the "unionists" had lodged complaints on irregularities in the voters' list in more than 100 polling stations and are asking for the repeat of the vote in some of these polling stations. The Republican Referendum Commission is still examining some of these complaints.


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All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.
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