Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 19
[ Bosnia-Herzegovina ]
In the framework of the “German Days Sarajevo” from June 1 until June 9, 2006 relations presents “Lost and Found“, the opening contribution of the 35th International Forum of New Cinema at the Berlin International Film Festival 2005. Screening of “Lost and Found” with an introduction by Katrin Klingan, relations’ Artistic Director: June 5, 2006, 6 pm, Obala Meeting Point, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13, Sarajevo“Lost and Found“ is a co-production of relations and ICON FILM. Six filmmakers from six eastern European countries tell six stories about things in common,
differences and new self-understanding in one film. The project is based on the idea that the
sense of a common bond determined by belonging to a generation, and so reaching out
beyond national borders, opens up new perspectives on traditions, history and one's personal
experience. Young directors, amongst the most talented of their respective country of origin,
were then invited to tell their very personal "generation story". A film project featuring work by: Stefan Arsenijević (Serbia-Montenegro), Nadejda Koseva
(Bulgaria), Mait Laas (Estonia), Kornél Mundruczó (Hungary), Cristian Mungiu (Romania),
Jasmila banić (Bosnia-Herzegovina).
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