Corruption and organised crime (4)

 Corruption and organised crime - Part 4 

posted by julia 17 years ago
The OSCE handbook on The Anti-Corruption Action Plan: Social and Economic Necessity for Kosovo aims to assist Kosovo's provisional institutions in implementing the Anti-Corruption Action Plan. It outlines the state of corruption in Kosovo, its public perception and the first steps required to fight it (pdf-document; also available in Albanian and Serbian).

 Corruption and organised crime - Part 3 

posted by julia 18 years ago
Le Courrier des Balkans provides a French version of three articles on money laundering in Serbia and Montenegro and the new law against money laundering published by the Belgrade daily Politika: Balkans : le paradis du blanchiment d’argent, Serbie et Monténégro : la mafia investit dans la construction d’hôtels et d’appartements, Serbie : comment lutter contre le blanchiment d’argent ?. The Courrier des Balkans also has a thematic webpage on crime and trafficking.

 Corruption and organised crime - Part 2 

posted by julia 18 years ago
As is widely known, the presence of the international community in Kosovo has ambivalous results on organised crime.

 Corruption and organised crime 

posted by julia 18 years ago
"Crime and corruption here are occurrences against which there is no organized fight, and in all Balkan states these terms are a model by which everything functions", writes Aleksandar Sekulic in one of the most powerful articles I read on corruption these last months. To read the original version, published in Nezavisne novine (Banja Luka), click here, and see below for the English translation (provided by the Bosnia Daily, 29.12.2005).


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All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.
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