Call for papers (9)
Calls for films
posted by
Julia 16 years ago
One of the leading documentary film festivals in the Balkans, the Dokufest of Prizren/Kosovo invites all authors of documentaries, short fictions and animations to submit their works for the 7th edition of the festival. Filmmakers, film schools and production companies can submit their works for Balkan Competition or International Competition. Films of all topics and running times (for documentaries) completed after January 1st 2007 are eligible for one of 10 awards totaling 19.000 Euro. The deadline for submissions is April 15th 2008. The Festival takes place from 4 until 10 of August 2008 in the historic town of Prizren, Kosova. For past editions, rules and regulations, online application form and a downloadable entry form please visit the festival’s web site. If you happen to be a video-artist from Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, or Estonia, check out this call for video films on the theme of "transition" (deadline: 15 March).
Wanted: Specialists on Education in SEE
posted by
Julia 16 years ago
Transitions Online (TOL), a media development non-governmental
organization based in Prague, is commissioning an article series on
education reform across various target regions, including Southeastern
Europe, on behalf of the Open Society Institute's Education Support
Program. TOL is looking for articles on the education reform process in Albania,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova,
Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria.
Call for papers - Part 7
posted by
julia 17 years ago
EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program (EUMAP) recently published a call for papers on
"Across Fading Borders: The Challenges of East-West Migration in the EU" (click
here to download the call for papers (pdf)). EUMAP calls for articles about the impact and background of intra-EU mobility and migration, both in the countries of destination and the countries of origin. EUMAP would especially welcome contributions on one of the following themes:
Policy responses to East-European migration in the countries of destination.
East-European migration and the multicultural society.
Immigration from the new Member States in comparison.
The impact of emigration on the countries of origin.
The Central European Member States as immigration countries.
Selected papers will be featured on Accepted authors will receive an honorarium of €200. Papers should be written in English and be between 1,500-2,000 words.
Papers should be submitted by 19 November 2007 to
Joost van Beek.
Call for papers - Part 6
posted by
julia 17 years ago
Here is some information on forthcoming conferences on the Western Balkans/EU/democratisation/transition/minorities (more details below). Please note the deadlines for sending in your abstract!
From 4-6 October 2007, the Second Annual Conference on Human Security, Terrorism and Organized
Crime in the Western Balkans will take place in Sarajevo. Until 21 September 2007 you can send in your paper for a conference on "Integration in Eastern European Societies: Minorities between Nation-States and Europe" in Cambridge. A conference on "Migration and Identity in the European Union" will be held in Oradea/Romania on November 8th-9th, 2007 (deadline for sending in abstracts: 1 October 2007). The Woodrow Wilson International Centre organizes a Seminar in Thessaloniki on "Greece, the Western Balkans and the European Union" (deadline: 1 October 2007). The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) is
holding its 18th Annual Conference on "Nationalism, East and
West: Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood" in April 2008 in London (deadline: 1 November). Two workshops will be organised dealing with the year 1989: The global 1989, a workshop to be held at LSE in early summer 2008 (deadline: 30 November 2007); and a
workshop in the US (East Coast) in April 2008 on The World in 1989 - New sources and interpretations of trans-national and regional
interdependency across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas (deadline: 30 November 2007).
Call for papers - Part 5
posted by
julia 17 years ago
Das geschichtswissenschaftliche Teilprojekt des vom Bundesministerium
für Bildung und Forschung geförderten Verbundprojekts
Europeans. Die wissenschaftliche Konstruktion des Homo Europaeus"
veranstaltet am 7./8. September und am 4./5. Oktober 2007
Workshops in Berlin und München.
"Europa ist eine Erfindung des Europäers. Doch wer erfand den Europäer?
Seit wann bevölkert der Homo Europaeus - als Durchschnittsmensch, als
Idealtypus, als Repräsentant - die Vorstellungswelten vor allem derer,
die sich im erfundenen Europa beheimatet wähnen? ... Im Mittelpunkt
stehen nicht Konstruktionen Europas oder des Europäischen, sondern
Konstruktionen des Europäers im Rahmen der untersuchten Wissensfelder.
Außerdem stellt der Workshop die Frage nach der Funktion des jeweiligen
Wissensbestandes, in dem Aussagen über den Europäer zusammengefasst
Call for papers - Part 4
posted by
julia 17 years ago
Das Goethe-Institut Kroatien lädt junge Wissenschaftler ein zu einer internationalen Zukunftswerkstatt
zu "Narrationen und Konstruktionen von IDENTITÄT/NATIONALITÄT/GESCHICHTE in
Bosnien und Herzegowina, Kroatien und Serbien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert". Die Werkstatt findet in drei Folgejahren in Zagreb (2008), Sarajevo (2009) und Belgrad (2010)
statt und wird von einer dauernden Internetplattform begleitet. Werkstattsprache ist die jeweilige Landessprache sowie Deutsch (Simultanübersetzung).
Goethe-Institut Kroatien poziva mlade znanstvenike na međunarodnu radionicu budućnosti:
"Naracije i konstrukcije o IDENTITETU/NACIONALNOSTI/POVIJESTI u Bosni i Hercegovini,
Hrvatskoj i Srbiji u 20. i 21. stoljeću". Radionica će se održati u tri uzastopne godine u Zagrebu (2008.), Sarajevu (2009.) i Beogradu
(2010.) i bit će popraćena stalnom internetskom platformom. Radni jezici konferencije bit će jezik
domaćina konferencije i njemački (uz simultano prevođenje).
Call for papers - Part 3
posted by
julia 17 years ago
Center for EU Enlargement Studies of the Central European University Budapest is organising a workshop on
"A Roadmap for the Western-Balkans: Using IPA and other EU Funds to Accelerate Convergence and Integration" in Brussels in October 2007 (TBC). Target groups: junior researchers and academics, senior policy-makers from EU institutions, member states, and Western-Balkan countries. Paper proposals can be submitted until
13 August 2007.
Call for papers - Part 2
posted by
julia 17 years ago
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology and the
German Political Science Association plan a workshop on
figurations of violence and war beyond the State in Halle/Saale (Germany) on 21
-22 February 2008. Proposals can be sent in until
31 July 2007 to
Jutta Bakonyi. Please download the
call for papers and/or read on for more
Call for papers
posted by
julia 17 years ago
CEU Political Science Journal accepts now submissions for its second issue of volume two (2007) on
"Nationalism and International Relations after the Collapse of Communism”. This theme is broadly conceived so that a variety of approaches and subjects fit in. Papers may approach the new challenges for the EU 27, recent developments in the international system, or national and international organizations facing nationalism. Deadline: 15th March 2007. More information on the journal's