Postings mit Schlagwort "Nation/alism" (9)

 Neuerscheinung Galizien 

posted by ush 14 years ago

Das Doktoratskolleg "Galizien" hat ein erstes Buch veröffentlicht:

Doktoratskolleg Galizien (Hg.): Galizien - Fragmente eines diskursiven Raums. Innsbruck: Studienverlag 2010.

> mehr/more , 1 Comment(s)

 Balkan Studies: quo vadis? 

posted by ush 15 years ago
The programme of tomorrow's workshop will be as follows (Venue: Inst. Slawistik, AAKH, 1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 9, Seminarraum 1):

 Crisis in Balkan Studies? 

posted by ush 15 years ago
Maximilian Hartmuth, who initiated the upcoming Workshop on Balkan Studies has delivered and published his position paper on the current crisis or re-orientation at least of Balkan Studies.

 Balkan Studies 9 

posted by ush 15 years ago

Now follows the abstract (cf. Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) of Tatjana Marković (Graz/Belgrade): Balkan Studies and Music Historiography. (Self-)Representation between Nationalist Myths and Europeanisation

Balkan Studies in music historiography are mainly determined by conservative understanding that Balkan culture is still of predominantly peasant character. Consequently, presentation of the Balkan music/s is based much more on insight in traditional than in art music, esp. contemporary, or popular music and, as such, it is present in the framework of positivistic ethnomusicological writings, in the first place. Recent musicological contributions to Balkan Studies (meaning studies of Balkan, West Balkan, southeast European music) show a new, growing interest in the field, signified by two main policies: on the one hand, there are writings of the guardians of nationalist myths, who construct the concept of music history in accordance with their frozen (medieval) exclusive image of national identity and, on the other, writings of the pro-European orientated scholars, who stress the Balkans’ close connections to Western Europe. The intermingling and separation of these two approaches, their different ideological and methodological outcomes, as well as possible ways of future research, will be discussed.

 Balkan Studies 5 

posted by ush 15 years ago

Here follows the abstract (cf. Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9) of Maximilian Hartmuth (Istanbul): Image-ing Balkans History: Non-Creative Others, Attention Deficits, and Art as a Problem

There are some fields in the humanities and social sciences, such as Nationalism Studies, in which the Balkans are very present, and others, such as art history and related disciplines, in which they are practically invisible. My paper is to question the impact of this condition on perceptions of the Balkans and Balkan-ness beyond the academia. Are the established interests of Balkan Studies really maintaining the image of the Balkans as an essentially conflictuous, non-creative space?

 NL +88 (01/09) >> Happy New Year 

posted by ush 15 years ago
Der Newsletter +88 (01/09) ist nun online (.pdf).

Dear Readers,

first of all, we wish you a happy new year! December seemed to be a rather quiet month for the much valued readers of Kakanien revisited's weblogs and articles. Though, don't be deluded. Behind the curtains different activities are going on, first and foremost the necessary attempts to save the platform's future.

Geschätzte Leserinnen und Leser,

zunächst wünschen wir, einen guten Rutsch ins hoffentlich glorreiche Jahr 2009 gehabt zu haben! Für die geschätzte kakanische Leserschaft schien der Dezember eher ruhig gewesen zu sein, jedoch täuscht dies. Hinter den Kulissen waren wir eifrig und versuchen, die Zukunft der Plattform zu sichern.

 Ethnologia Balkanica 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Ethnologia Balkanica 11 (2007) on Regions and Regionalism in Southeast Europe has been released:

 NL >> Verbotene Worte | Forbidding Words 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Dear Readers,

>> we made all the efforts to provide you with a formidable amount of texts to start the new year. The success has been guaranteed by the new Digital Anthology Forbidden/Forbidding Words. The essays, stories, and poems have been published in cooperation with Tzveta Sofronieva, who initiated the network of that name; coordinator of the joint publication project is Katalin Teller. Further texts stemming from the network will be published in January and in February.

Geschätzte Leserinnen und Leser,

wieder ist ein Jahr zu Ende, und damit es als Fest und mit Rauschen zu Ende ging, haben wir uns bemüht, Ihnen eine extra große Bescherung an Texten zu bieten. Dies zu bewerkstelligen bedurfte der Herausgabe eines weiteren Themenheftes zum Thema Verbotene (W)Orte | Forbidden/Forbidding Words, das in Kooperation mit der Initiatorin des gleichnamigen literarischen, künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes Tzveta Sofronieva entstand; betreut hat das Publikationsprojekt in vorderster Front Katalin Teller aus dem kakanischen Redaktionsteam, deren Hartnäckigkeit und Ausdauer hier gewürdigt seien. Aus diesem Netzwerk werden noch weitere Texte in zwei Tranchen veröffentlicht werden, mit denen Sie im Januar und Februar rechnen können. Die Buchdeckel des digitalen Themenheftes werden danach jedoch nicht geschlossen, sondern stehen ebenso wie alle anderen Kategorien für Ihre Einreichungen offen.

 NL >> Abundance at X-Mas 

posted by ush 16 years ago

Er ist online, der NL +75 (12/07) und wie immer zu finden als .pdf.

Dear Readers,

>> First of all, let me thank those of you, so many in number, who were present at the presentation of the new platform on November 7th- and joined in the celebration! For those you who were not able to make it, the contributions of the speakers will be published in December.


Geschätzte Leserinnen und Leser,

zunächst möchte ich mich bei denjenigen von Ihnen, die Sie so zahlreich bei der Präsentation der neuen Plattform am 7. November anwesend waren und mit uns - ausgiebig - gefeiert haben, bedanken! Für jene, die es nicht geschafft haben, werden die Beiträge der Vortragenden im kommenden Monat Dezember veröffentlicht werden.


Einblicke in Editor's Welt. Interessiert an Geisteswissenschaften, staunend über Medien, Tendenz zum Bizzarren, vor allem in der Literatur. Über Anregungen, Kritiken, Kommentare freuen sich Usha Reber ( und János Békési (
The workshop Balkan Studies - quo vadis? is held on April 25, 2009.

Venue: HS, Inst. Slawistik, AAKH / Campus
The programme is to be found here, the abstracts are available as Balkan Studies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and as pdf.
Ort: HS, IOG, AAKH, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Wien
Zeit: 2. bis 4. April 2009
Veranstalter: IOG, Kk.rev
Funding: Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung, Köln

Programm, Abstracts (.pdf)
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