Spaces of Identity (29)
Spaces of Identity
posted by
Katalin Teller 16 years ago
With a few weeks' delay, the December issue of is online now. After going "beyond" Central Europe in the summer issue, which dealt with "the other East" on occasion of the Beijing Olympics, this issue returns to the multiple layers of identity formation processes in Central Europe.
Thoughts on some implications of an independent Kosovo
posted by
Augustin Nicolescou 16 years ago
On February 17th 2008 Kosovo declared its unilateral independence, with significant support from Western powers. Many see it as the closing act which completes the process of Yugoslavia’s disintegration. Yet there are significant differences between Kosovo gaining independence and the other states which emerged from the breakdown of the Yugoslav federation. The independence of Kosovo will not be recognized by the UN Security Council, and there remain many unanswered questions. Leaving Russia aside, even the EU members are not united on this key issue. Spain, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece are set against recognizing the sovereignty and independence of Kosovo as a state. Whatever happens next, it will be controversial and antagonistic. Is this really the best the West could do?
Spaces of Identity - Part 27
posted by
usha 17 years ago
Svjetlan Lacko Vidulić aus Zagreb konnte gleich zwei Artikel zum Großthema "Ex-Jugoslawien" posten. Der
eine nimmt Peter Handkes sog. "Befriedungsschriften" und ihre Rezeption v.a. in Kroatien kritisch in den Blick, der
andere wendet sich Dubravka Ugrešićs Schriften zu.
Spaces of Identity - Part 26
posted by
usha 17 years ago
Aus verschiedenen Gründen habe ich David Albaharis
Mutterland mit allergrößtem Interesse gelesen. Abgesehen davon, dass es mir ein Anliegen ist, die Literatur in deutscher oder englischer Sprache bzw. Übersetzung aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien kennen zu lernen, war für mich die konzeptuelle Rolle Kanadas, speziell: Calgarys wichtig.
Spaces of Identity - Part 25
posted by
usha 17 years ago
Letzte Woche verbrachte ich in der Wüste am toten Meer. Anlass war eine Einladung zum 28th GIF Meeting. Thema der deutsch-israelischen Konferenz war sinnigerweise "Religion – Science – Politics". Die Vorträge erstreckten sich von Bioethik über jüdische, islamische und christliche Religionspolitik im Vergleich bis zu allgemein philosophisch/ethisch relevanten Themen zu Beiträgen oder Verhinderungen von Toleranz und Civil Society durch Religion und Religiosität.
Spaces of Identity - Part 24
posted by
usha 17 years ago
Some topics - such as migration and identity - have a revival within the discourses of culture and new Europe. One of the more promising and inventive projects is the conference Migration and Literature in Contemporary Europe to be held in Copenhagen, November 8-10, 2007:
Spaces of Identity - Part 23
posted by
usha 18 years ago
It still seems to be impossible, to travel to the Balkans without traveling back through time and not only forward through space.
Spaces of Identity - Part 22
posted by
usha 18 years ago
Seeßlen's article Der zärtliche Blick der Maschine is re-drawing the history of dynamic cinema. Dziga Vertov created this special dynamic, affectionate cinematic glance with his film
Der Mann mit Kamera (1929).
Spaces of Identity - Part 21
posted by
usha 18 years ago
What is being cautious for the ones is "slave mentality" for the others.
Spaces of Identity - Part 20
posted by
usha 18 years ago
Interesting, and still it bears the character of a riddle: When a vast space enters a small place from the outside, Quixotes are born. Thus, Quixote is a kind of an imploding space.
Spaces of Identity - Part 19
posted by
usha 18 years ago
Edmonton has a very fine independent movie theatre, the
Metro cinema. Yesterday, the 30 min. film "Stranger in My Own Skin" by Shabnam Sukhdev was screened.
Spaces of Identity - Part 18
posted by
usha 18 years ago
This is, for once, about the Webjournal Spaces of Identity, one of Kk.rev's cooperation partners. The webjournal got a new home:
Spaces of Identity - Part 17
posted by
usha 18 years ago
Paul Ricœur's The Self as an Other was relevant for my PhD examination, about 3 weeks ago. When I read it again, I felt a spontaneous antipathy for his construction of certain binding meta-speech acts, constituing the continuity of the Self. "A lot has changed, but I will keep my word."
Spaces of Identity - Part 16
posted by
usha 18 years ago
Yesterday, I was attending a very interesting lecture on travel accounts from the beginning to the 18th century given by Prof.
Le Huenen, Director of Comparative Literature at Toronto.
Spaces of Identity - Part 15
posted by
usha 18 years ago
Eigentlich müsste das Folgende unter einem Punkt "Erinnerung | Memory", wie ihn der
Editor-Blog hat, abgehandelt werden. Da es um die
Verortung und die
Dislozierung von Gedächtnis geht, also um durchaus konkret räumliches Denken, sind auch Spaces of Identity berührt.
Spaces of Identity - Part 14
posted by
usha 19 years ago
Spaces of Identity usually are no big deal, as long as one is living and acting within a familiar and emphatic (cultural) space. Identity becomes a forged space, yet, when different cultural spaces start to overlap and interact.
Spaces of Identity - Part 13
posted by
usha 19 years ago
Die eine Konferenz über Medienkonfigurationen um 1900 // 2000 ging zu Ende, die andere des Projektes
Verbotene Worte begann gestern nachmittag. SchriftstellerInnen und Kulturschaffende sowie -wissenschaftlerInnen diskutieren, assoziieren und hintertreiben in Doppelperformances diverse
Spaces of Identity aus Literatur/en und Lebensrealität/en.
Wer in Budapest ist und Zeit hat, sollte sich die heute noch andauernde Veranstaltung im
Goethe-Institut nicht entgehen lassen!
Spaces of Identity - Part 12
posted by
usha 19 years ago
Wieder gibt es einen lesenswerten neuen Artikel zu vermelden: Viktoriya Hryaban's Studie zum
Bukowina-Band des
Spaces of Identity - Part 11
posted by
usha 19 years ago
Edit Király, eine geschätzte Kollegin im nun bereits öfter schon erwähnten Forschungsprojekt zu "Zentren und Peripherien in der Habsburgermonarchie, 1867-1918", hat einen ausgesprochen subtilen und schönen
Artikel veröffentlicht.
Spaces of Identity - Part 10
posted by
usha 19 years ago
It still comes back to the question of language, albeit language is only one of a whole bunch of communicative means stretching from rituals and habits to the language of body and to body space (how much space has to be between bodies?).
Spaces of Identity - Part 9
posted by
usha 19 years ago
Natalia Shostak hat über Jahre hinweg Interviews mit ukrainischen Migrantinnen geführt. Sie fokussierte dabei auf die Herausbildung von genderspezifischen Sender- und Empfängernetzwerken und auf die dreifache Art, sich in diesen zu bewegen: Sie aufzubauen und zu benutzen, ihren Sinn für sich zu entdecken und sich (verwandelnd) anzueignen sowie sie nach der Rückkehr in die Heimat in der Erzählung zu vergegenwärtigen und erneut zu bewerten.
Spaces of Identity - Part 8
posted by
usha 19 years ago
"Croatian pupils boycott Serb teachers at fist day of School" was a
headline on September 6, 2005.
Spaces of Identity - Part 7
posted by
usha 19 years ago
Language has seemingly been one of the most powerful instruments of building and expressing one's identity. This is so in the case of
teenage sociolect, and it is the case with professional language, and with socially and/or ethnically differentiated slang, as well - variations within a theoretically common language.
Spaces of Identity - Part 6
posted by
usha 19 years ago
There are some considerations in
EU Referendum and
PolBlog on the tasks and duties of the EU.
Spaces of Identity - Part 5
posted by
usha 19 years ago
One of my favorite blogs,
All about Latvia reports on the Gay Pride Parade in Riga.
Spaces of Identity - Part 4
posted by
usha 19 years ago
The discussion about Handke's Serbian/Balkan travelogues is going on.
Transitions Online published an article by Tobias K. Vogel on the topic.
Spaces of Identity - Part 3
posted by
usha 19 years ago
Warum eigentlich wird die obligatorische Werbung im Fernsehen zusätzlich versauert durch die Einblendung einer Horde junger, strahlender Menschen, die gezwungen fröhlich einem entgegenschmettern: "Wir sind Österreicher!"?
Spaces of Identity - Part 2
posted by
usha 19 years ago
I use the topic that originally was simply meant to announce the issues of the
online journal "Spaces of Identity" to post some reflections on 'identity', 'nationality/-ism' and similar subjects.
Spaces of Identity
The latest issue of
Spaces of Identity, featuring the third and last in the 2004 series on networks, is now online.