Spaces of Identity

posted by Katalin Teller on 2009/01/21 18:10

[ Spaces of Identity ]

With a few weeks' delay, the December issue of is online now. After going "beyond" Central Europe in the summer issue, which dealt with "the other East" on occasion of the Beijing Olympics, this issue returns to the multiple layers of identity formation processes in Central Europe.

Eva Bodnar
explores the multifaceted loyalties in the cartographic mappings of pre-1848 Hungary, Marcin Filipowicz approaches the concept of masculinity in 19th-century Czech literature, Natalia Barykina discusses architecture and spatial practices in post-Communist Minsk, and Inga Untkis introduces us to the unexpected presence of rock musician Frank Zappa in post-Soviet Lithuania. As usual, the editors invite comments and responses for our next bazaar issue.


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