Conferences - Part 10
[ Conferences ]
Students from SEE who are interested to participate in a study visit to Pristina and Prizren in November should contact as soon as possible (if possible before Wednesday, 14h!) Dr. Patricia Schneider (click here for the website). Here are more details about the study trip/seminar on Minority Rights Protection and Human Rights Policies in Kosovo. Present Problems and Future Challenges:The seminar is a part of the long-term IFSH project on building up an academic network in South-Eastern Europe. The project is supported from funds of the GES-support program as a part of the stability pact for South-Eastern Europe. Participants of the workshop are students of the master course (Master of Peace and Security Studies in Hamburg/Germany) as well as other participants from South Eastern Europe. Partners so far are the Universities of Sarajevo, Novi Sad, Rijeka and Kosovo. A new partner will be the University of Skopje.
The workshop deals with the current political situation in Kosovo as well as the peace building process, human rights protection, minority issues and the problems of coping with the past severe conflict. Additionally, the network itself fosters peaceful solutions for various regional conflicts by strengthening tolerance, understanding and communication. To enable the students to get an insight of the problems and issues in Kosovo, briefings, lectures and discussions shall be held for example at the German embassy, international actors (OSCE, KFOR, UNMIK, EU(R)), various ministries, NGOs, research institutions, and of course at our partner university, the university of Prishtina. Results from the MPS student’s own researches will be presented as well.
Also, the possibility will be used to bring the partners of the Academic Network South East Europe together to discuss future common projects, i.g. comparative research in the sector of Human Rights, Security Sector Reform or in the drafting of regulations for master programs in the field of peace research.
Preferred date for the workshop: (Wednesday or Thursday until Sunday): 22. or 23.11.-26.11.2006
Possible timetable:
- Wednesday: Arrival and briefing in German Embassy and ministries.
- Thursday: Briefings of International Organizations and NGOs in Prishtina
- Friday: Full day at the University of Prishtina (at Human Rights Centre)
- Saturday: Travel to Prizren (KFOR CIMIC-Projects and others).
- Sunday: Prizren and Departure
For registration, please give these details:
Name, email-address, country/ residence city, motivation, need for financial support of participation(what? e.g. bus ticket, flight ticket etc., what ammounts?)
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