Conferences - Part 4
[ Conferences ]
The year 2006 will be rich in conferences for political scientists and sociologists who work on the Balkan and European Integration. I put together a chronologically ordered list, which you are very welcome to complete (just scroll down-down-down and hit the "reply" button!). Cf. also the Kakanien events calendar.The Institute for Central Europe and the Balkans of
the University of Bologna and the Centre of Competence for South-East-Europe of Graz
University proposes a conference on the Interdependence of the International Treaties in
the Balkan region and the related complex stabilization process in Forli, Italy, on 20th
-21st January 2006. More information on the conference
SOYUZ, the Post-Communist Cultural Studies Interest Group of Bryant University in
Smithfield, Rhode Island, USA, invites to a conference on Refiguring “Socialist” and
“Postsocialist” Spaces in a Deterritorializing World on 3-5 March 2006. For more
information, please read the Call for proposals.
The Center for Conflict Studies of the Philipps-Universität Marburg/Germany proposes a
Spring School on Ethnic Conflicts from 6-11 March 2006. More information on the university webpage.
The Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) will organize a conference on
Nationalism in an Age of Globalization from 23-25 March 2006 at Columbia
University/New York. There will be 100 thematic and geographic panels. For more information
please check the ANS webpage and the conference announcement (pdf).
The Universities of Montpellier III/Paris 8/ Ecole Normale Superieure and the Young Researchers Group on "Morality, Politics, and International Justice" are inviting to a conference on Philosophical heritage, historical contingency and moral universality. Reception of the ICTY in ex-Yugoslavia from 30 March to 1 April 2006 in Paris. For more information, please read the call for papers.
The annual conference of the British Association of Slavonic and East
European Studies (BASEES) will be held at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
University on 2-4 April 2006.
The Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj proposes a conference on The New Frontiers of
Europe. International,
Inter-ethnic and Inter-Confessional
Relations from 6 to 8 April 2006. Abstracts can be sent in until 30 January 2006. More
information on the conference
The Oxford University Greek Society, with the support of
South East
European Studies at Oxford, is organising a graduate conference on
Greece and the Balkans: two hundred years of coexistence, interaction
and mutual influence in Oxford at the end of April 2006. For more information, check the
conference webpage. Abstracts
can still be submitted until 1 February 2006.
The Central European University in Budapest will hold the Second CEU Graduate Conference
in Social Sciences on The End of Transitions? Central and Eastern European Countries in
Comparative Perspective from 5 to 7 May 2006. Proposals for papers and panels are welcome
especially from young scholars (deadline: 30 January 2006). Fore more information please
email the Conference co-ordinator Todor
The Institute of Economics of Wroclaw University hosts a conference on the Economic
Relations in the Enlarged EU on 11-12 May 2006. Papers can be sent in until 1 April 2006.
For more information, email Prof. Jaroslaw
The European Studies Institute in Diauliai, Lithuania invites applicants for a conference
European Studies: between Globalisation and Regionalism (Humanitarian and Social Aspects)
on 12-13 May 2006. Proposed topic areas for presentations: New European Centres and
Peripheries: the Dynamics of Polycentricity in EU; The Change of Mentalities against the
Background of European Integration Processes; Development of National Languages in the New
EU: Facts and Prospects; National Literatures of EU: Globalisation and Pop-Culture vs.
Artistry and Identity; Political Identity Crossroads: between the East-West Concept and
North-South Orientation of the New Europe; Global Integration and Migration of the Work
Force: New Technological and Cultural Collaboration Opportunities; New Historical Identities
of EU: the Imagined Community, Propaganda and Facts. Deadline for abstracts: 15 February
2006. For more information, please check the conference website.
The European Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and
Research (AT.IN.E.R.) announces its 4th international conference on
International and European Political and Economic Affairs for 29-31 May 2006. More
information can be found on the conference website.
The Centre for East European Studies of
Warsaw University is organizing the Third Warsaw East European Conference on Twenty five
years of changes in the post-communist world on 5-8 July 2006. Abstracts can be sent in
until 31 March 2006. More information can be found on the conference website.
The Max Planck-Institute for Social
Anthropology, the Danish Institute for International
Studies and the Humboldt-University Berlin are proposing a conference on
The Artifices of Government. On the appropriation, the use, and the formation of
states on 20-21 July 2006, bringing together scholars from history, anthropology,
sociology as well as sociology and political science. More information on the conference announcement website and
in the call for
The Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Limerick will
host a conference aiming at Exchanging Ideas on Europe 2006 - Visions of Europe: Key
Problems, New Trajectories from 31 August to 2 September 2006. Abstracts can be submitted
until 13 February 2006. More information on the conference website.
The 2006 ASN European Conference on Globalization, Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in
the Balkans and its Regional Context will be organized by the Forum for Ethnic Relations
in Belgrade on 28-30 September 2006. The conference will tackle nationalism and ethnic
conflict; the development of national identity and the challenges of globalization; violence
and terrorism, organized crime and illegal migrations; conflict prevention; and the
protection of human and minority rights. For the submission of abstracts and more
information, please email the Forum for Ethnic Relations. Scholars from South Eastern Europe can
apply for grants.
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