Civil society - Part 12
[ Civil society ]
In January I gave a brief summary of the last kakanien-Emergenzen-workshop on "Self-Representation" I attended in Vienna. The papers of all Emergenzen-workshops organised by the kakanien project can be downloaded here. My paper (= an amended version of my presentation at the workshop in Vienna) deals with Self-representation of civil society organisations in Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina (pdf, in German language). Here is the abstract:The post-war period in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo are characterised by a spectacular "NGO boom", supported by the presence of international donors, which had huge amounts to spend for "democratisation" and "civil-society building".
While most of these organisations stopped to exist after one or two projects, there are still a few hundred active civil society organisations in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo. As the competition for donor money, for public attention, and for members is getting more and more challenging, civil society organisations are developing creative means of self-representation, increasingly using the internet, newsletters, and blogs for information and protest campaigns.
In this study I analyse the websites of 32 civil society organisations which are active in Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The language and symbols used by civil society organisations reveal how they try to anticipate the expectations of their "followers" - and how they try to attract international donors, which significantly shape the self-representation, thus the perception, of civil society in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.
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