Readings - Part 8
[ Readings ]
After an Easter break, I will try to resume blogging more regularly. I just came across an article available on the Eldis platform on development research of the Institute of Development Studies in Sussex: United Nations reform: improving peace operations by advancing the role of women. As I read a lot on the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), I found this quite interesting - here is the abstract:"Why are there so few women in influential positions within the UN peace operations? This paper discusses the recruitment and retention of women for United Nations (UN) peace operations - as heads of mission, military personnel, civilian police, and international and national civilian staff. It outlines the context and process for hiring personnel, the challenges and opportunities to promote women, and gives practical recommendations for various actors.
Findings include the point that the UN is becoming more aware of the importance of gender balance in staffing and that it also increasingly recognises the operational effectiveness of women, particularly in military and police roles in peace operations. At the same time, key policymakers and practitioners are often unwilling to act on such trends, given time constraints, the presence of competing priorities, and the hazardous environment of peacekeeping missions.
Some of the recommendations are:
* to realise the importance of a gender perspective in peacekeeping
* the need for more targeted recruitment of women, as well as networking opportunities for those currently serving in peace operations
* field postings should also be made more attractive to women, and their specific logistical needs must be part of mission design and operational activities to promote their full participation
* to urge the secretary-general to appoint women and further the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325
* to specify the operational components of field missions that can be best addressed by female personnel
* to reformulate job descriptions to require women's presence as police
Information and recommendations presented in the paper are based on a gathering of practitioners and policymakers from various United Nations agencies, national governments and militaries, academia, and civil society groups in 2006 with the aim to bridge knowledge gaps, maximise efforts, and jointly strategise on steps to enhance women's numbers and role in peace operations."
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