Faculty Positions (20)
Ass. Prof. in Modern German/Central European history
The Department of History of the University of Alabama invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in Modern German/Central European history. The successful candidate will be expected to teach the department’s Western Civilization survey, as well as upper-level and graduate courses in his/her area of specialty. Deadline for application: November 15, 2010.
Ass. Prof. in Russian/Soviet History Oberlin College
Ass. Prof. CEE History New York
Ass. Prof. CE History New York
Ass. Prof. Jewish Studies Arizona
Jewish Studies at Arizona State University in conjunction with the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies seeks to fill a tenure-tracked Assistant/Associate Professor position in Jewish history and culture of Eastern Europe of the Modern period (1800 to the present). Rank and salary are commensurable with qualifications. The selected candidate will hold an appointment in the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, will teach courses in the Jewish Studies Program and will be an affiliate of the Center for Jewish Studies. The candidate is expected to interact with other units at ASU such as the School of International Letters and Cultures and the School of Politics and Global Studies. Deadline for application: January 15, 2010.
Lecturer Holocaust
Applications are invited for a lectureship in Modern European History to undertake research, teaching, administration and other activities supporting the work of the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust Studies and the School of Historical Studies of the University of Leicester. Deadline for applications: January 31, 2010.
Im Rahmen seines Langzeitdozenturenprogramms vermittelt und fördert der DAAD aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amtes Langzeitdozentinnen und -dozenten an ausgewählten Universitäten in wichtigen Partnerländern, um die wissenschaftliche und kulturelle Präsenz Deutschlands als Teil Europas im jeweiligen Gastland zu stärken. Der DAAD sucht Langzeitdozentinnen/Langzeitdozenten für eine Reihe von Ländern. Einreichfristen sind unterschiedlich. S.u.
Tenure-Track Professorships Göttingen
The University of Göttingen, together with the non-university research institutions of the Göttingen Research Campus, invites applications for 3 Tenure-Track Professorships and the establishment of Independent Research Groups in all areas of the University's research fields. Deadline for applications: April 26, 2009.
Polish History/Literature/Film in Chicago
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago invites applications and nominations for the "Stefan and Lucy Hejna Family Chair in the History of Poland" and the "Stefan and Lucy Hejna Family Chair in Polish Language and Literature." Application deadline: April 3, 2009.
Scholar of Turkey or Western Balkans
Assistant/Associate Professor CEU IRES
The Department of International Relations and European Studies (IRES) at Central European University (CEU), Budapest, invites applications for a full-time position at the rank of either Assistant or Associate Professor. Application deadline: March 1, 2009.
Vechta Lehrkraft f. bes. Aufgaben
Professor of German
The Department of German and Romance Languages at the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) invites applications for a position in German at the level of full for associate professor beginning Fall 2009. Deadline: November 1, 2008.
CEU Senior position in Medieval and Early Modern East-Central/Eastern European History
The Medieval Studies Department of the Central European University (CEU) advertises an opening for a senior appointment (Associate or Full Professor) in Medieval and Early Modern East-Central/Eastern European History. Application deadline: October 15, 2008.
Assitant Professor for Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language and Literature
The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Toronto invites applications for a tenure-stream assistant professor appointment in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language, Literature and Culture beginning July 1, 2009. Application deadline: November 17, 2008.
Tenure-Track Position in European History
The Department of History at The City College of New York (CUNY) seeks a tenure-track assistant professor of the history of Eastern Europe from 1700 to the present, including Russia and the Soviet Union. While the geographical and period specializations are open, the department is particularly interested in candidates with broad teaching interests. Application deadline is November 15, 2008.
Part-Time Slavic Linguistics
The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago seeks applications for a part-time position in South Slavic Linguistics. Application deadline is the end of September 2008.
Tenure-Track in Slavic Linguistics
The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of the University of Chicago seeks to fill an entry-level, tenure-track position in Slavic linguistics, with a special interest in diachronic linguistics. Deadline of application is end of October 2008.
Beyond European borders
A glimpse to the other side: Hampden - Sydney College (Virginia, United States) offers an Assistant Professor, tenure-track position beginning Fall 2009. Deadline of application: November 15, 2008.
2 1/2 new faculty positions, Gender Studies, CEU
Position #1: Gender and Social Organizations
The Department of Gender Studies at Central European University seeks to hire a faculty member (rank open) in the area of Gender and Social Organizations. Applicants’ field of specialization should include some of the following - policy; social movements; social organization (local and transnational); development; post-colonial theory.
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