Postings mit Schlagwort "Vienna" (8)
IWM: Bronislaw Geremek Fellowships
The fellowships of the Institute of Human Sciences, Vienna (IWM) enable young Polish doctoral or post-doctoral researchers to work on a research project of their own choice. Application deadline:April 1, 2011.
2 Grants
See also:
Milena Jesenská Fellowships IWM Vienna
Junior Researcher
from May, 2010 (at the latest September, 2010) to May, 2012.
Deadline for application: 15 March 2010
International research project Border Communities. Microstudies on Everyday Life, Politics and Memory in European Societies From 1945 to the Present
Fellowship for Translators IWM
The Paul Celan Fellowship program of the Insitute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna, supports East-West, West-East and East-East translations of canonical texts as well as contemporary key works in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Studies. Special emphasis is put on translations of relevant works written by East European authors and/or by female scholars. Application deadline: March 5, 2010.
B. Geremek Fellowship IWM
The Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM; Instytut Nauk o Czlowieku), Vienna has issued a call for applications for the Bronisław Geremek Fellowship 2009-2010. The Bronisław Geremek Fellowship program is to foster study and reflection of Polish national heritage in the context of European tradition. The fellowship enables a young Polish doctoral or post-doctoral researcher to become a member of the international, multidisciplinary scholarly community of the IWM to work on a research project of her/his choice. Deadline for application: May 15, 2009.
R. Bosch Fellowships IWM
Milena Jesenská Fellowships IWM
Jobs Weblog