Fellowships in European History
[ Fellowship/s ]
The Institute of European History will be awarding fellowships for a research stay in Mainz beginning in June 2009 (at the earliest). The Institute promotes research on the historical foundations of Europe - comparative, transnational or transcultural projects dealing with European communication and transfer processes, as well as projects on concepts and perceptions of "Europe" and "Europeaness" in the period since c. 1450. The intellectual, religious and philosophical dimensions of European history are covered as well. Funding ranges from 6 months up to two years. Application deadline: February 15, 2009.Applications for the Institute’s research units are particularly welcome. Fellows will get the chance to play an active role in the research unit they are working in. These units are:
- Europe as a challenge in politics, society and the church
- Communication and transformation in religion and society
- Historical consciousness and the change of values
- Spatial-oriented research on the history of Europe (since 1500)
For more detailed information on the research units see the website.
The research fellowship programme of the Institute of European History combines research, training and international networking. Fellows can pursue their individual research projects in a tranquil yet inspiring atmosphere. They discuss problems and methods of European historical research in an interdisciplinary and international setting. According to their special fields and interests, they are invited to participate in many academic activities of the Institute - organizing conferences, editing publications and newsletters, structuring online-databases and administering research funding. In cooperation with its international partners, the Institute supports the exchange of fellows to enable them to participate in a network of European historical research.
The research fellows live and work at the Institute in Mainz. They may also consult archives, libraries, and specialists or attend conferences outside Mainz. The Institute’s library (220 000 books, more than 500 current periodicals) is available to the fellows for their research.
As a general rule, appointed fellows will work on their PhD thesis. Postdoctoral projects are also welcome. Post-docs must have received their PhD when applying. Applicants must have a solid knowledge of German so as to be able to participate in the discussions at the Institute. The limiting age at the beginning of a fellowship is 32 years, reasonable exceptions are possible.
The monthly grant is set in accordance with the guidelines established by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service) for graduate students studying for a doctorate (€1000/month). A health insurance subsidy is also granted.
Please send your application by e-mail to: Die Direktoren des Instituts fuer Europäische Geschichte Prof. Dr. Irene Dingel and Prof. Dr. Heinz Duchhardt re: Stipendienbewerbung.
Please attach (as one file)
- the application form (download: http://www.ieg-mainz.de/stipendienprogramm/) including
- curriculum vitae
- list of publications (if available)
- research proposal with a detailed timetable for the intended stay at the Institute. (5–6 pages, up to 1.500 words, please do not use footnotes)
In addition, please send by post copies of your university degree certificates and, in the case of postdoctoral applicants, a copy of your PhD thesis (on CDROM only) prior to the application deadline to Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Referat Stipendien, Alte Universitätsstrasse 19, 55116 Mainz, Germany.
Further information on the Institute and its fellowships can be found on the website.
Contact: Ulrike Moritz, Referat Stipendien (0049-6131-3939365).
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