Announcements (26)
[BalkanCities] is no more.
posted by istanbul 14 years ago
Quoting from the recent Kakanien Revisited newsletter:
Dear Readers,
with this second newsletter of the year 2010 ... we would like to inform you about a few changes for the interim term ahead of Kakanien revisited. First, the monthly newsletter will become a quarterly newsletter ... As for the Weblogs, you find the usual announcements of Call for Papers, Conferences and other events in the Weblog Calls for Papers & Events and job opportunities in Jobs. All other Weblogs ... have merged into one large Weblog, CE/SEE, where the former Bloggers continue to discuss their relevant topics under identifiable headers ...
Built Heritage Conservation and Development @ AINOVA Bratislava
posted by istanbul 15 years ago
The one-year degree program in Built Heritage Conservation and Development (BHCD) at the Academia Istropolitana Nova (near Bratislava) is entering another round. Applications are invited until April 15, 2009.
Announcements - Part 24
posted by mh 17 years ago
As an addition to the European Stability Initiative's project on the architectural heritage of Prishtina (really "Future of Prishtina"), a "Walkable Map of Prishtina" has been added to the site. Scrolling over the map, you can see information on highlighted buildings. (Unfortunately, this map only works online and can't be downloaded.)
Announcements - Part 23
posted by mh 17 years ago
Your blogger was among those given a research award for essays on The Ottoman Legacy in the Balkans and the Middle East. The paper (3rd prize) entitled De/constructing a 'Legacy in Stone': Of interpretative and historiographical problems concerning the Ottoman cultural heritage in the Balkans, as well as the other awardees’ papers The paradox of perceptions: Interpreting the Ottoman Past through the national present (by Christine Philliou, 1st prize) and Fighting the specters of the past: dilemmas of Ottoman legacy in the Balkans and the Middle East (by Suhnaz Yilmaz and Ipek Yosmaoglu, 2nd prize), plus a transcript of the speech by Richard Holbrooke at the Brookings Institution in DC, can be downloaded here.
Announcements - Part 22
posted by mh 17 years ago
In Subotica (Serbia), architect Viktorija Aladzic is fighting to stop the demolition of the city's theatre building from 1854. See an article (with picture) here.
Announcements - Part 21
posted by mh 17 years ago
Applications are now accepted for a new round in the one-year degree program Built Heritage Conservation and Development study programme (BHCD) at AINOVA/Bratislava. Deadline: March 15, 2007.
Announcements - Part 20
posted by mh 18 years ago
Promising News: a South East European Heritage Network has recently been formed by 12 non-governmental organizations working on cultural heritage, representing Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Sweden. Two meetings, initiated by Cultural Heritage without Borders of Sweden, have already been held in 2006. As this information seems to not have been published on the web before, this network’s first public announcement is reproduced below (click “more”).
Announcements - Part 19
posted by mh 18 years ago
Also in Berlin, but this time directly related to the Balkans, is the seminar series Ottoman Urban Studies, organized by the Zentrum Moderner Orient; starting from October 30, 2006, twice per month (on Mondays 1700-1900) during the academic year 2006/7. Announcement and schedule can be found here. Lectures are grouped into 4 thematic categories: I - The roots of urban governance in the Ottoman Empire; II -Aspects of the Ottoman Urban Old Regime: Government, Economy, Society; III - New Trends in the Social History of Ottoman Towns; and IV - New Perspectives on the Ottoman Urban Reforms and the rise of nationalism. Speakers include Donald Quataert, Malte Fuhrmann, and Ilber Ortayli. Some presentation titles: "Urban Governance in Byzantine Cities and Questions on the Passage to Ottoman rule", "Power and Loyality in Herzegovinian Cities before 1876", "Methodological Aspects of the New Social History of Ottoman Towns", and "Lower Class Austro-Hungarian and German Immigrants in Ottoman Cities".
Announcements - Part 18
posted by mh 18 years ago
Not directly related to SEE, but still an interesting development, the TU Berlin is now offering a 4-semester MA program in Historical Urban Studies. Information in German and English can be found here.
Announcements - Part 17
posted by mh 18 years ago
E-Urbs, a fairly new EU-funded "European Master in Comparative Urban Studies" is now inviting applications. Deadline: July 31, 2006.
Announcements - Part 16
posted by mh 18 years ago
Applications are now sought by Europa Nostra for the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage.
Outstanding heritage achievements will be awarded six monetary "Prizes" of EU 10,000 each, in addition to “Medals” and “Diplomas” in the following categories: 1. Conservation of: A) Architectural heritage B) Landscapes C) Works of art D) Archaeological sites; 2. Study in the field of cultural heritage conservation; 3. Dedicated Service to heritage conservation by individuals or groups. In our region, past awards were given to restoration projects for the Hill Church of Sighisoara (Romania), the Koundouriotis House at Hydra (Greece), the Cibali Tobacco Factory in Istanbul (Turkey), the Episcopal Palace of the Euphrasian Basilica in Porec and the St. John Orsini Chapel in Trogir (Croatia), the St. Tryphon's Cathedral in Kotor (Montenegro), as well as archaeological sites in Croatia (Monkodonja) and Greece (Naxos). The deadline for applications is September 1/15, 2006.
Announcements - Part 15 - Part 2
posted by mh 18 years ago
I am somewhat flattered by the fact that the [BalkanCities]-weblog has attracted more than 4,000 visitors in february 2006. Suggestions and comments to the editor ( are still, always will be, are are especially now more than welcome.
To receive the roughly bi-weekly updates (with the headlines of new postings) by email, send a blank email to
To receive the roughly bi-weekly updates (with the headlines of new postings) by email, send a blank email to
Announcements - Part 14
posted by mh 18 years ago
"The City", a new mailing list (mainly) for Byzantinists has been set up quite recently, and is now accessible at, where one can also subscribe.
Announcements - Part 13
posted by mh 19 years ago
The current program of the Bauhaus Kolleg Dessau ("UN Urbanism") deals with the transformation of cities located in crisis regions, with Mostar and Kabul as imminent case studies, and is aimed at investigating the phenomenon of global crisis-preventing and crisis-regulating urbanization. Guided by a set of research questions - What patterns and normative ideas about the city, civil society and the public sphere emerge as a result of these interventions?
How can city planning - with the support of international humanitarian organizations - communicate the torn realities of individual cities? What ideas do these organizations have about city planning? - the participants' findings will be published and presented in an exhibition. More information on concept and projects is (or will be made available) at
Announcements - Part 12
posted by mh 19 years ago
The theme of this year's IFK (International Research Centre for Cultural Sciences, Vienna) summer academy will be A Sense of Place - Zur Raeumlichkeit von Kultur (August 2006; Deadline: March 6, 2006; language: German).
Announcements - Part 11
posted by mh 19 years ago
From June 11-29, 2006, the University of Amsterdam will hold its Summer Institute on
International Migration, Ethnic Diversity and Cities for the third time.
Announcements - Part 10
posted by mh 19 years ago
Quite an interesting new enterprise, the Vienna-based International Centre for Culture & Management (ICCM) now offers a certificate program entitled Cultural Urban Design. The course is held in in German and English and aimed at fostering an understanding for architecture, urban design, cultural and urban policies, cultural planning, urban- and cultural studies, and more, on a European level.
Announcements - Part 9
posted by mh 19 years ago
The European Journal of Turkish Studies (EJTS), an online review of social science research on Turkey, has published its second thematic issue on Hometown Organizations in Turkey, including one contribution on Muslims from Thrace in Bursa and Zeytinburnu/Istanbul. A first issue on the Gecekondu phenomenon is also available online.
Announcements - Part 8
posted by mh 19 years ago
New information about the Creative Cities of Albania project, a cultural initiative in Shkoder and Pogradec has been made available on the website of the Swiss Cultural Programme in Albania. Links: Project Outline, and action plans for Shkoder, and Pogradec
Announcements - Part 7
posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
ARIT (the American Research Institute in Turkey) offers a couple of attractive Scholarship/Fellowship opportunities for research in Turkey. The deadline for applications is November 1, 2005.
Announcements - Part 6
posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
Those who happen to be in Skopje from October 13-16, 2005, may want to consider attending the conference Living Heritage - Learning from Innovative Practices in Culture and Community Development in South East Europe, dealing with the community development projects implemented in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Romania within the Belgian-funded (and very interesting) Living Heritage program.
Announcements - Part 5
posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
The "new" (December 2004) issue of the francophone journal Balkanologie, issued by the Association française d’études sur les Balkans, features 2 essays on urban topics: K. Krastanova & M. Rautenberg: 'Réinterprétation du passé et imaginaire urbain. Patrimoine architectural, politique culturelle et peinture figurative à Plovdiv, Bulgarie', and I. Sabotic: 'Le menu à Zagreb au tournant du XIXe au XXe siècle: dans quelle langue mange-t-on ?'.
Announcements - Part 4
posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
The Institute of History at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz has announced the launch of a new research project on Tourism and Leisure Cultures in Socialist Yugoslavia.
Announcements - Part 3
posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
The first meeting of the Banlieues d'Europe'Est, announced earlier on this blog, has been rescheduled from June to September 23-25, 2005. Its aims are to establish the first elements of a discourse on the alternative/peripheric art and culture in South East Europe, and to promote cooperation and exchanges between cultural centres installed in the peripheric areas of cities or traditional artistic circuits in the region.
Announcements - Part 2
posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
Policies for Culture has updated the information on their website regarding their cultural policy reform projects in several cities of the region, including Prilep, Sabac, Kragujevac, Sombor, Uzice, and Rijeka.
posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
Upon recent foundation of a new civil society initiative in Bulgaria, a new mailing list has been created to faciliate information about cultural heritage protection in Bulgaria.
Welcome to [BalkanCities], a weblog established to serve a "community of interest" holding stake in a diverse but interconnected range of topics (Urban and Architectural History, Cultural Heritage, -Policy, -History, -Studies, Urban Life and -Development) related to the study of cities of Southeast Europe. Readers are encouraged to participate in this process, either through adding comments to existing postings or posting news to the editor, Maximilian Hartmuth. To subscribe to the notification service (a roughly monthly digest), send a blank email to this address.