Announcements - Part 19
posted by mh on 2006/10/08 12:37
[ Announcements ]
Also in Berlin, but this time directly related to the Balkans, is the seminar series Ottoman Urban Studies, organized by the Zentrum Moderner Orient; starting from October 30, 2006, twice per month (on Mondays 1700-1900) during the academic year 2006/7. Announcement and schedule can be found here. Lectures are grouped into 4 thematic categories: I - The roots of urban governance in the Ottoman Empire; II -Aspects of the Ottoman Urban Old Regime: Government, Economy, Society; III - New Trends in the Social History of Ottoman Towns; and IV - New Perspectives on the Ottoman Urban Reforms and the rise of nationalism. Speakers include Donald Quataert, Malte Fuhrmann, and Ilber Ortayli. Some presentation titles: "Urban Governance in Byzantine Cities and Questions on the Passage to Ottoman rule", "Power and Loyality in Herzegovinian Cities before 1876", "Methodological Aspects of the New Social History of Ottoman Towns", and "Lower Class Austro-Hungarian and German Immigrants in Ottoman Cities".< previous Posting next >
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