Announcements - Part 7
posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/10/16 17:29
[ Announcements ]
ARIT (the American Research Institute in Turkey) offers a couple of attractive Scholarship/Fellowship opportunities for research in Turkey. The deadline for applications is November 1, 2005. --American Research Institute in Turkey
University of Pennsylvania Museum
3260 South Street
Philadelphia PA 19104-6324
ARIT US Fellowship Program deadline is November 1, 2005
1. The American Research Institute in Turkey announces the National
Endowment for the Humanities/ARIT Advanced Fellowships for Research in
Turkey, 2006 - 2007.
ARIT/NEH Advanced Fellowships cover all fields of the humanities, including
prehistory, history, art, archaeology, literature, and linguistics as well
as interdisciplinary aspects of cultural history for applicants who have
completed their academic training. The fellowships may be held for terms
ranging from four months to a full year. Stipends range from $13,335 to
2. ARIT announces the ARIT Fellowships for Research in Turkey, 2006 - 2007.
ARIT Fellowships are offered for research in ancient, medieval, or modern
times, in any field of the humanities and social sciences. Post-doctoral
and advanced doctoral fellowships may be held for various terms, from two
to three months up to terms of a year. Stipends range from $4,000 to $16,000.
3. ARIT will continue the Samuel H. Kress/ARIT Fellowship for Research in
Archaeology and Art History in 2006 - 2007.
Graduate level fellowships of up to $17,000 and tenures of up to one year
will be offered for doctoral candidates matriculated at U.S. or Canadian
4. The Kenan Erim Fellowship to support archaeological research (excavation
or field study) of material at Aphrodisias, summer 2006, $2375.
ARIT Language and European Fellowships:
5. ARIT together with Princeton University plans to offer fellowships to
support Intensive Turkish Language Study at Bogaziçi University, for the
summer of 2006. Includes scholarship, travel, and stipend to support eight
weeks of intensive, advanced Turkish language study. Application details to
be announced. (Application deadline February 1, 2006.)
6. The Mellon Fellowship for Research in Turkey by East European Scholars
will continue for 2006 - 2007.
Post-doctoral fellowships up to $11,500 for two to three months periods for
research in any field of the social sciences or humanities, to be carried
out in Turkey by scholars from the Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary,
Poland, Romania, or Slovakia. (Application deadline March 6, 2006)
Applications for ARIT fellowships (except the Mellon and Bogaziçi
University Language Program) must be submitted to ARIT before November 1,
2005. Please note new application deadline. The fellowship committee will
notify applicants by late January, 2006. For further information please
American Research Institute in Turkey phone: (215) 898-3474
University of Pennsylvania Museum fax: (215) 898-0657
3260 South Street
Philadelphia PA
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