Announcements - Part 3
posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/07/30 13:03
[ Announcements ]
The first meeting of the Banlieues d'Europe'Est, announced earlier on this blog, has been rescheduled from June to September 23-25, 2005. Its aims are to establish the first elements of a discourse on the alternative/peripheric art and culture in South East Europe, and to promote cooperation and exchanges between cultural centres installed in the peripheric areas of cities or traditional artistic circuits in the region. The encounter is aimed at examining the approaches and constraints inherent to this double marginalisation (geographic and artistic), as well as the innovating capacities existent in these centres.For more information visit
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Welcome to [BalkanCities], a weblog established to serve a "community of interest" holding stake in a diverse but interconnected range of topics (Urban and Architectural History, Cultural Heritage, -Policy, -History, -Studies, Urban Life and -Development) related to the study of cities of Southeast Europe. Readers are encouraged to participate in this process, either through adding comments to existing postings or posting news to the editor, Maximilian Hartmuth. To subscribe to the notification service (a roughly monthly digest), send a blank email to this address.