Sources for City and Art in SEE, 1850-1950 (4)

 Historical preservation and communication problems in Constantinople in 1912 [Sources for City and Art in SEE, 1850-1950, No. IV] 

posted by istanbul 15 years ago
Last year the Walls of Constantinople/Istanbul were (again) put on the World Monuments Watch List of 100 Most Endangered Sites. Concerns as to their preservation had been voiced already a century ago, when there existed plans to teir them down altogether.

 Cultural heritage in times of conflict: The monuments of Edirne in 1912/3 [Sources for City and Art in SEE, 1850-1950, No. III] 

posted by istanbul 15 years ago
In the 1913 volume of the Österreischische Monatssschrift für den Orient one finds a short note (“Die Adrianopler Moscheen”) on the fate of the grand 15th and 16th century mosques of Edirne after the Serbian-Bulgarian victory over Ottoman forces. Although some valuable carpets and fayences disappeared from the interiors of these monuments, the mosques and medreses as such had survived the conflict surprisingly unscathed, as the anonymous writer reports in the excerpt reproduced below:

 Sarajevo, Belgrade, and Sofia around 1900 [Sources for City and Art in SEE, 1850-1950, No. II] 

posted by istanbul 15 years ago
Sources for City and Art in SEE, 1850-1950 continues: As I have noted in my article in the Ethnologia Balkanica of 2006 (access via CEEOL), there have been few relatively efforts to view the development of Southeast Europe’s cities around 1900 in a comparative perspective rather than in isolation. This, I argued,...

 New on [BalkanCities]: "Sources for City and Art in SEE, 1850-1950" 

posted by istanbul 15 years ago
For already quite a while I have contemplated posting here, at least once in a while, excerpts from texts dealing with "City and Art in SEE" written at a time, roughly 1850-1950, which proved crucial in the genesis of our modern understanding of these matters. Of interest in this regard are, inter alia, early histories, travelogues, reviews, newspaper articles, etc. We shall begin this series with...


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