Announcements - Part 23
posted by mh on 2007/05/24 14:16
[ Announcements ]
Your blogger was among those given a research award for essays on The Ottoman Legacy in the Balkans and the Middle East. The paper (3rd prize) entitled De/constructing a 'Legacy in Stone': Of interpretative and historiographical problems concerning the Ottoman cultural heritage in the Balkans, as well as the other awardees’ papers The paradox of perceptions: Interpreting the Ottoman Past through the national present (by Christine Philliou, 1st prize) and Fighting the specters of the past: dilemmas of Ottoman legacy in the Balkans and the Middle East (by Suhnaz Yilmaz and Ipek Yosmaoglu, 2nd prize), plus a transcript of the speech by Richard Holbrooke at the Brookings Institution in DC, can be downloaded here.< previous Posting next >
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