Announcements - Part 11
posted by mh on 2005/12/27 13:07
[ Announcements ]
From June 11-29, 2006, the University of Amsterdam will hold its Summer Institute on International Migration, Ethnic Diversity and Cities for the third time. ---From: Jan Rath
We are pleased to let you know that the Summer Institute on
International Migration, Ethnic Diversity and Cities 2006 will be
held for the third time this Summer, from June 11th-29th at the
International School for Humanities and Social Sciences, Universiteit
van Amsterdam. The Summer Institute on International Migration,
Ethnic Diversity and Cities is a three-week programme, which seeks to
explore the topical features of international migration and the
incorporation of immigrants in the cities and states of destination.
The themes of the seminar will be approached in an international
comparative way, building on theoretical and empirical contributions
of sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, geographers,
economists, philosophers and historians. The Institute is open to
advanced undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students as well
as professionals working in a field related to the topic of the
Summer Institute.
SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM. Students from 57 countries are now eligible to
attend the Summer Institute under the NUFFIC SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM for
short courses. Please tell your colleagues and students about this.
The NUFFIC deadline is February 1, 2006, and before applying to
NUFFIC, students must apply to the Summer Institute and be accepted.
We stand ready to expedite these applications during January, so
please share the news and encourage potential participants to apply
quickly. We hope this scholarship goes a long way in making the
Summer Institute more accessible to students from the global south.
IMISCOE TRAINING GRANT. PhD candidates who are member of the IMISCOE
Network of Excellence are eligible for an IMISCOE Training Grant.
For more details go to
Amy Abdou, Program Manager
Summer Institute ISHSS
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