Events (42)

 Balkan Studies in Crisis? (Workshop) 

posted by istanbul 15 years ago
The KK Rev. editor Ursula Reber has already announced it 6 days ago, as I just found out, but there are indeed some good news to share: Both of us will be organizing an international workshop entitled "Balkan Studies: Quo Vadis?"  (one alternative suggestion was "Balkan Studies in Crisis?", just to give you an idea of what we'll be up to), which is now confirmed to take place in Vienna on Saturday April 25, 2008. This has been made possible largely thanks to funding by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, which has enabled us to make the workshop a truly international one by being able to invite an attractive round scholars from and/or working in Bulgaria, Turkey, the USA, Germany, and Austria, to speak and discuss on a tightly packed Saturday in spring. A sort of preliminary abstract has been posted by Usha here. We will definitely keep you updated on the manner. A tentative program will be made available shortly.

 Ottoman Urban Studies/ZMO 

posted by istanbul 15 years ago

The Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin is continuing with its Ottoman Urban Studies Seminar; as far as I can tell, for the third year in a row. Between November 10, 2008, and June 22, 2009, those resident in the German capital will be able to attend the 14 bimonthly lectures (program/.pdf) on urban history in the Ottoman realm. While in past years' there were some scattered contributions on the Balkans (Hanndes Grandits, Bojan Aleksov, and Gergana Georgieva), this year the European provinces are completely absent, save for perhaps Johann Strauss' talk on “Linguistic Diversity and Every Day Life in Ottoman Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans" on April 20. The locales highlighted this academic year, in addition to the more theoretical/general lectures, are Izmir, Aleppo, Istanbul, Cairo, Damascus, Eregli, Algiers, Tunis, and Trabzon.

 Conference: The Ottoman Balkans (Istanbul, June 27) 

posted by istanbul 16 years ago

If you're a resident of Istanbul, or any other place nearby, keep free the afternoon of June 27, 2008. For at the Netherlands Institute in Turkey ("NIT"; Istiklal Cd., Nuru Ziya sk. 5) there will take place the following event: The Ottoman Balkans: a symposium in honour of Machiel Kiel. With presentations by Rossitza Gradeva, Zeynep Ahunbay, Grigor Boykov, Mariya Kiprovska, Ilknur Kolay, Kemal Eyupgiller, Stephen Lewis, and myself, we will revisit the Balkans from the early Ottoman period and its monuments by and for beys and dedes up to the 21st century, and news about the reconstructions of such emblematic buildings as the "Coloured Mosque" at Foca. More information is to follow here briefly. For any kind of information upfront, please don't hesitate contact the organizers Maximilian Hartmuth or Ayse Dilsiz.

 Congress of Social and Economic History in Ankara (June 17-22) 

posted by istanbul 16 years ago

From 17-22 June, at Bilkent University in Ankara, will take place the 11th Int'l Congress of Social and Economic History of Turkey. A bit too my surprise (I expected more on taxation and censuses...), there is a considerable number of presentations with rather interesting titles, of which a brief survey/selection shall be given here:

 Events - Part 38 

posted by mh 17 years ago
Next week in Istanbul: Conservation, Restoration, and Re-usage of Ottoman Architecture. Practices and Problems in Turkey, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Balkans, a symposium at the Netherlands Institute in Turkey (October 9, 2007. 10AM-6PM). In the program (not yet online, conference info here): Machiel Kiel on Problematic Heritage: Restoration and Destruction of the Ottoman Architectural Heritage in Southeastern Europe, Sulejman Dashi on Restoring Ottoman Monuments in Albania: Successes and Problems, Gulsun Tanyeli on The Use of Materials from The Ottoman Archive for Restoration Projects, Zeynep Ahunbay on Ottoman Architectural Heritage: Risks and Chances for Survival, and more.

 Events - Part 37 

posted by mh 17 years ago
The University of Birmingham will be hosting a workshop entitled Conceptualising Balkan Space: Late Medieval & Early Modern Approaches & Interpretations. The date: Friday, September 28, 2007. The papers: 'Shifting centres, the Tree of Jesse and rival attractions: dynamics of power and wealth in southeast Europe after 1204'; 'Ottoman views of the Balkan peninsula and its peoples'; 'Representations of self and other in early modern travel writing'; 'What is Balkan history? Observations on recent work'.

 Events - Part 36 

posted by mh 17 years ago
A new event, a new location: Starting from this monday, Prizren is hosting the "Dokufest", an international festival for documentary and short films. Some 60 films will be shown in 2 open air cinemas. Read a fairly ridiculous invitation by the organizers here. Sabine Ballata from the ImagineSEE weblog has more information: "The Dokufest team also launched a petition campaign for a new cinema to be built after the destruction of the old cinema Lumëbardhi (close to the river, in front of the Shadervan and the old mosque). The destruction of the old cinema was decided in June 2007 by the Municipal Assembly of Prizren. Dokufest argues that the new cinema should be build on the same location." See also today's SETimes article Prizren citizens hope for better future.

 Events - Part 35 

posted by mh 17 years ago
At UMass (Boston), at the Research Center for Urban Cultural History on April 27, 12:30-17:00, Eve Blau (Harvard) will present her research on the Croatian capital, "Project Zagreb: the city as open work" (forthcoming in book-form), as part of the "hypermedia conference" Documenting Cities: exploring, recording, mapping. images of the city.

 Events - Part 34 

posted by mh 17 years ago
More events in Istanbul. The Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations is hosting a mini-symposium on Architecture and Text on April 18, 2007, after 4PM. Chaired by Zeynep Kuban, the presentations are as follows: Martin Seyer: "Rock Tomb and Sarcophagus: Considering Combined Tomb Buildings in Lycia"; Maria-Cristina Carile: "Imperial Palaces and Heavenly Jerusalems: Perceptions of Sacred Places"; Jonathan Bardill: "Text, Archaeology, and the Architecture of the Church of St. Polyeuktos"; Deniz Karakas: "Clay Pipes and Marble Fountains: Composers of Urbanism in Early Eighteenth-Century Istanbul".

 Events - Part 33 

posted by mh 17 years ago
An event not to miss: Shirine Hamadeh (Rice University) will speak about Public Life in 18th ct. Istanbul - presumably a synopsis of her upcoming book "The City's Pleasures: Istanbul in the Eighteenth Century" - at the Ottoman Bank Archives in Istanbul, next Wednesday (April 11) between 18:30 and 20:30. See announcement (in Turkish).

 Events - Part 32 

posted by mh 17 years ago
Istanbul through Byzantine and Ottoman Eyes is the title of a one-day conference to be held in Istanbul on June 2, 2007. The conference is organized by Sabancı University’s Faculty of Arts of Social Sciences on the initiative of Maja Kominko. The provisional program can be viewed below.

 Events - Part 31 

posted by mh 17 years ago
Upcoming public lectures at the German Oriental Institute, Istanbul: Christoph K. Neumann, Das photographische Gedächtnis: Öffentlicher Raum und Photographie in Beyoğlu (February 28, 18h). Derya Ozkan, Changing Images of the City: From Crude Urbanization to Istanbul the Cool (April 25, 18h). Astrid Debold-Kritter, Istanbul: Gefahr für die historische Stadtlandschaft der Metropole? Romantische Weitblicke Mellings von öffentlichen Aussichtspunkten dokumentiert und mit Simulationen futuristischer Großplanungen ins Bild gesetzt. (May 23, 18h)

 Events - Part 30 

posted by mh 17 years ago
This monday (Feb 26), lectures: Public Works and the Public Good: Modernizing Urban Space in Ottoman Izmir by Sibel Zandi-Sayek (17:30 at MIT, room 3-133, web). Architectural Heritage of the Muslims in Romania and its Significance for Minority Identity by Evangelos Karagiannis (15:00 in Münster, Institut für Geographie, part of the conference Interethnische Beziehungen zwischen Christen und Muslimen in Südosteuropa)

 Events - Part 29 

posted by mh 17 years ago
Next weekend (Dec 9-10) in Istanbul: Perceptions of the Past in the Turkish Republic at the RCAC, including several papers on art, architecture, and archaology.
Next month in Weimar: the long-announced conference Public Istanbul - Die Stadt und ihre Räume der Öffentlichkeit will take place from January 19-21, 2007. Despite the German title, the papers will be in English. To attend the conference a registration (50EU, students go free) before January 15 is required.

 Events - Part 28 

posted by mh 17 years ago
Next Monday (Dec 4) at ARIT (Istanbul-Arnavutkoy), 6:30 PM, Amy Singer (Tel Aviv) will deliver a lecture on Ottoman imarets, and will, more concretely, argue why she believes that the habitual understanding of this institution as soup kitchens for the poor is questionable. As apparently no other website has this information online, the full text of the announcement is reproduced here (click "more" below).

 Events - Part 27 

posted by mh 17 years ago
More lectures/conferences this Friday and Saturday: in Istanbul (Goethe Institut, Nov 18, 10AM-, at the conference "Dark Days of the Past, Historical Profession and Public Opinion") Ileana Moroni will speak about The Second Fall of Constantinople: The Events of September 1955 in the Greek Public Opinion and Halil Berktay on 'The Moral Atmosphere of Dictatorship' for the Izmir fire and the Armenian genocide: Technologies for Perpetuating Myths, Smearing Scholarship, Monopolizing Public Space and Discourse. At Harvard (Nov 17, 10:50) Klaus Kreiser will ask: Did Abdurrahman Hibri Efendi (d. 1676) Introduce the Genre 'Urban History' in Ottoman Historiography?

 Events - Part 26 

posted by mh 17 years ago
This Friday (Nov 17) in Istanbul: Collective Identities in the Kaza of Gumuldjina [=Komotini, Greece] (1870-1913): Demography and Nationalisms, presentation by Paraskevas Konortas (Univ. of Athens) at the Ottoman Bank Archives at 5PM. "Based on Ottoman, Greek and Bulgarian demographical sources as well as on other documents relating to them, Konortas will attempt to show in his lecture, that at least until the Balkan Wars and the Lausanne Treaty, the vast majority of the population in this area (Muslims, Orthodox, Exarchists and a few Armenians, Jews and foreigners) had no clear national identity."

 Events - Part 25 - Part 2 

posted by mh 17 years ago
November 9, 2006, in Istanbul: The Ottoman architectural heritage in Europe and the Swedish contribution to reconstruction in the Balkans, lecture by Johan Martelius at the Swedish Research Institute (Istiklal cd.), 7PM. (abstract)

 Events - Part 24 

posted by mh 17 years ago
This week (November 1-5, 2006) in Bucharest: the Third International Congress on Islamic Civilization in the Balkans, organized by the Istanbul-based IRCICA. A digest of topics and abstracts of probable concern to [BalkanCities]-readers, and their main points as far as could be gathered from the abstracts (a 95-page document! – schedule), has been made available here. [click “more” below]

 Events - Part 23 

posted by mh 18 years ago
The IXth International DOCOMOMO (DOcumentation and COnservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the MOdern MOvement) conference on "Other" Modernisms is to take place in Ankara and Istanbul next week (Sept 25-29, 2006). For info about the conference, see the 15-months old annoucement on this weblog (here), or the website of docomomo Turkey, where there is also a 40-page program book (pdf).

 Events - Part 22 

posted by mh 18 years ago
Part of the series Architektur im Ringturm, an exhibition on the work of the Slovene architect Joze Plecnik (*) can be seen in Vienna until September 8, 2006, at the Ringturm (Mo-Fr 9-18, no entrance fee).

 Events - Part 21 

posted by mh 18 years ago
Public lectures these days at the Second Culture Forum Istanbul: Margins of City ("What separates the Urban from Suburban and from Rural? Is urban culture in Turkey's larger cities actually a Rurban (a strange blend of the Rural and Suburban and Urban) culture?") April 21, 3-5PM. City and Creativity, April 22, 10-12AM. European Capitals of Culture As Catalysts For Creative Cities, April 21, 3-5PM; ITU Taskisla Campus.

 Events - Part 20 

posted by mh 18 years ago
Public lectures this week in Istanbul:
  • WED (April 12): Turgay Tuna, "Fenerden Levantenlere, Eski Evlerden Mimarlara: Yesilkoy", 18:30 at the Ottoman Bank
  • THU (April 13): Marina Mihalhevic, "Impact of Komnenian architecture on the Balkans", 16:00, Anatolian Civilizations Institute (Istiklal cad.)
  • FRI (April 14) Maria Christina Chatziioannou, "Creating the Ottoman-Greek Merchant (1780-1870): Sources, Methods and Historiography", 17:00 at the Ottoman Bank

 Events - Part 19 

posted by mh 18 years ago
A document with the abstracts for the Harvard Symposium Historiography and Ideology: Architectural Heritage of the "Lands of Rum" is now available online (pdf). Speeches will include: "Contextualizing the Byzantine and Ottoman Architectural Legacy: Istanbul in the 1920s and 1950s", "Ottoman Art/Architecture in Early Republican Nationalist Texts", "Architecture and the Search for Ottoman Origins in the Late Tanzimat Period", "Westernization, Decadence, and the Ottoman Baroque: Modern Constructions of the Eighteenth Century", "Preservation/Projection: Museums and National Identity in the Republic of Turkey", "The Creation of a National Genius: Sinan and the Historiography of 'Classical' Ottoman Architecture", etc.

 Events - Part 18 

posted by mh 18 years ago
...a few public lectures coming up in Istanbul:
  • Didem Danis will deliver a lecture entitled "Elmadag: a neighborhood in Flux" at the German Orient Institute - March 22, 2006
  • Ilay Ors will present her research on the Constantinopolitan Greeks in Faliro (Athens) at the Ottoman Bank Archives - March 24, 2006.
  • "Galata Port: A hotly debated Harbor Project in Istanbul City" will be the subject of a lecture by Asli Ogut-Erbil and Tansel Erbil at the German Orient Institute - April 5, 2006

 Events - Part 17 

posted by mh 18 years ago
Organized within the framework of the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at MIT, Paolo Girardelli (Bogazici University) will have a talk on The Architecture of the 'Eastern Question': Diplomacy and Space in Late Ottoman Istanbul on Monday, February 13, 5:30 to 7:30 pm in MIT room 3-133. Contact address

 Events - Part 16 

posted by mh 18 years ago
Alison Snyder of the University of Oregon is looking for scholars working on contemporary issues concerning architecture in Istanbul, Turkey, or (other) Middle Eastern cities, to propose a panel for the MESA 2006 conference in Boston.

 Events - Part 15 

posted by mh 18 years ago
The Observatoire Urbain d'Istanbul organizes guided visits to sites of future and past urban development projects on a monthly basis (French/Turkish). For the dates of visits in 2006 - Galataport, Zeytinburnu, Kucukcekmece, Kucukpazar (Eminonu), and "Turk Mahallesi" (Ayvansaray)- click here.

 Events - Part 14 

posted by mh 18 years ago
This Friday in Istanbul: A discussion/workshop on the new Turkish antiquities laws at Koc University (9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) and Meltem Toksöz (Bogazici University) approaching the history of the port city of Mersin in the second half of the 19th century via the narrative of one Greek migrant-merchant family, organized as part of the monthly seminar series Economy and Society on Both Shores of the Aegean at the Ottoman Bank Archives.

 Events - Part 13 

posted by mh 18 years ago
On Friday November 18, 2005, Dr. Alexandra Yerolympos (Aristotle University of Thessalonica) gave a lecture on Urban Transformations in the European Provinces of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th centuy at the Ottoman Bank Museum, Istanbul. Due to the significance of her work for our topic, a summary of her presentation is made available below.

 Events - Part 12 

posted by mh 18 years ago
The Days of Sofia in Vienna (featuring exhibitions, concerts, and theatre performances) will take place from November 15-30, 2005.

 Events - Part 11 

posted by mh 18 years ago
Presumably with the cosmopolitan past of the quarter as reference, a cultural event called Pera Fest 2005 - 4th International Meeting of Beyoglu will take place in Istanbul's Beyoglu district from November 12-20, 2005.

 Events - Part 10 

posted by mh 18 years ago
"Give and take, steal and mutate - Appropriation of the city between identity politics and Art of Survival" is the title of a workshop that will take place within the framework of the balkanblackbox film festival in Berlin (November 16-23, 2005): Website (German) , Summary (English). The workshop will be held on Friday 18 (1800hrs, Tacheles, 5th floor), in English, and requires registration via

 Events - Part 9 

posted by mh 18 years ago
Alexandra Yerolympos of Thessaloniki's Aristotle University will be a speaker at the seminar series Economy and Society on Both Shores of the Aegean at the Ottoman Bank Museum, Istanbul, on Friday, November 18th. The title of her presentation has not yet been announced. Yerolympos is the author of the book Urban Transformations in the Balkans 1820-1920. Aspects of Balkan Town Planning and the Remaking of Thessaloniki as well as several articles on Balkans urban history in the 19th and 20th century.

 Events - Part 8 

posted by mh 18 years ago
The conference Zwischen Nostalgie, Amnesie und Allergie: Die Erinnerung an den Kommunismus in Südosteuropa (Between Nostalgia, Amnesia, and Allergy: The Memory of Communism in Southeast Europe) will be held in Berlin on December 1-3, 2005 (in German). Several presentations will deal with approaches to monuments from the Socialist period. A preliminary program is available online here.

 Events - Part 7 

posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
On Friday, October 21, 2005, Filiz Yenisehirlioglu will give a lecture on Urban Texture and Architectural Styles after the Tanzimat as part of the monthly seminar series entitled "Economy and Society on Both Shores of the Aegean" at the Ottoman Bank Museum, Istanbul.

 Events - Part 6 

posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
The Mediterranean region working group of the International Confederation of Architectural Museums (ICAM-MED) will hold its first regional meeting in Istanbul on October 6-8, 2005. The theme is "The Foreign Influence in Modern and Contemporary Mediterranean Architecture".

 Events - Part 5 

posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
An exhibition entitled Beograd nekad i sad (Belgrade, then and now) is held at the Prodajna Galerija Beograd between September 22 and October 22, 2005.

 Events - Part 4 

posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture has announced a symposium on Historiography and Ideology: Architectural Heritage of the "Lands of Rum" to be held at Harvard University, 11-13 May 2006. Speakers will include Sibel Bozdogan, Zeynep Celik, Ahmet Ersoy, Shirine Hamadeh, Gulru Necipoglu, and Scott Redford. Lecture titles and details will be announced this fall. General information can be obtained via

 Events - Part 3 

posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
Between June 30 and July 31 there will be an exhibition "From Europe to Istanbul - Art Nouveau" at the Topkapi Palace (first courtyard, Imperial Mint Building), in the context of the 2005 Congress of the Union of International Architects to be held in Istanbul July 3-10.

 Events - Part 2 

posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
Those who happen to be in London on June 6, 2005, might want to consider attending a lecture on Cultural Heritage and Postwar Recovery in Bosnia-Herzegovina by Amra Hadzimuhamedovic from the BiH Commission to Preserve National Monuments.


posted by maximilian hartmuth 19 years ago
The regional Forum entitled "Cultural Corridors in South-East Europe: Common Past and Shared Heritage - A Key to Future Partnership" will be held on 20 and 21 May in Varna (Bulgaria) in particular to encourage heads of state of South-East Europe to promote this region as a potential ground for meeting, recognition and peace with culture very much to the fore.


Welcome to [BalkanCities], a weblog established to serve a "community of interest" holding stake in a diverse but interconnected range of topics (Urban and Architectural History, Cultural Heritage, -Policy, -History, -Studies, Urban Life and -Development) related to the study of cities of Southeast Europe. Readers are encouraged to participate in this process, either through adding comments to existing postings or posting news to the editor, Maximilian Hartmuth. To subscribe to the notification service (a roughly monthly digest), send a blank email to this address.
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