[BalkanCities] is no more.
posted by istanbul on 2010/03/10 08:36
[ Announcements ]
Quoting from the recent Kakanien Revisited newsletter:Dear Readers,
with this second newsletter of the year 2010 ... we would like to inform you about a few changes for the interim term ahead of Kakanien revisited. First, the monthly newsletter will become a quarterly newsletter ... As for the Weblogs, you find the usual announcements of Call for Papers, Conferences and other events in the Weblog Calls for Papers & Events and job opportunities in Jobs. All other Weblogs ... have merged into one large Weblog, CE/SEE, where the former Bloggers continue to discuss their relevant topics under identifiable headers ...
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Welcome to [BalkanCities], a weblog established to serve a "community of interest" holding stake in a diverse but interconnected range of topics (Urban and Architectural History, Cultural Heritage, -Policy, -History, -Studies, Urban Life and -Development) related to the study of cities of Southeast Europe. Readers are encouraged to participate in this process, either through adding comments to existing postings or posting news to the editor, Maximilian Hartmuth. To subscribe to the notification service (a roughly monthly digest), send a blank email to this address.