Announcements - Part 4
posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/08/24 15:11
[ Announcements ]
The Institute of History at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz has announced the launch of a new research project on Tourism and Leisure Cultures in Socialist Yugoslavia. ---From:
The new research project at the Institute of History, Karl-Franzens
University of Graz, Austria, looks at the social history of tourism and
leisure in the former Yugoslavia.
After World War Two, tourism catered not only to foreigners but became
part of the way of life of many Yugoslav families. The project aims to
investigate changing social practices linked to urbanisation,
consumption and consumerism. On the level of ideology, tourism was an
important object of social and national policies in the making of the
socialist state. It was linked to efforts to improve the standard of
living and forge a specifically Yugoslav socialist way of life and
identity. Through the analysis of both official texts and biographical
memories, the project intends to illuminate how socialist discourses of
modernity shaped everyday lives, and in which ways the population
arranged circumstances to meet their own notions of well-being and
In addition, the project hopes to bring together researchers working on
the history of tourism in Southeast Europe, which remains rather
underexposed so far. Comparative studies on the role of tourism in the
creation of national identities and citizenship in Europe could be
stimulated through this exchange.
If you are interested in making your research interests, e-mail or
website address available to others, please write to
The project's website address:
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