Features (2)

 Convertes mosques in Bulgaria 

posted by istanbul 16 years ago

News from Stephen Lewis' weblog bubkes.org (the one that is legal in Turkey; his hakpaksak.wordpress.com is still banned; see my older posting). This time he takes up the theme of converted mosques in Bulgaria, his home of choice. Read "A Transformed Coincidence: From Mosque to Restaurant, From Mosque to Church, From Mosque to Rage". Not mentioned in the title, but in the posting, is curious example of the "Roman Wall" (Rimskata stena) in Sofia's marketplace, really the remains of a musalla (outdoor place for communal prayer).



posted by mh 17 years ago
It has been a long time since any constructive suggestions have been made in order to resolve the impasse concerning “constitutional reform” (read: administrative structure) in the bi-entity country of Bosnia-Herzegovina. While Republika Srpska (RS) officials are currently (and repeatedly so) suggesting a federalization of the country into 2 or 3 ethnically defined units with greater autonomies and do not plan to yield any more powers to the (multi-ethnically governed) central state, an interesting suggestion has recently come from where one would have perhaps least expected. To see how this relates to the theme of this blog, read on by clicking on “more” below…


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