Congress of Social and Economic History in Ankara (June 17-22)
[ Events ]
From 17-22 June, at Bilkent University in Ankara, will take place the 11th Int'l Congress of Social and Economic History of Turkey. A bit too my surprise (I expected more on taxation and censuses...), there is a considerable number of presentations with rather interesting titles, of which a brief survey/selection shall be given here:
June 17/Tuesday:
"Patterns of Demographic and Socio-Economic Development in the Northeastern Ottoman Balkans in the Late 15th/Early 16th century" (N. Antov),
"Administering the Conquered Lands: The Mihaloglu Family Vakf Possessions in Pınarhisar Area" (M. Kiprovska),
"The Pilgrimage Account of Abdürrahman Hibri: A Perspective on Ottoman Architecture and Politics" (S. Faroqhi), "Visualizing the Urban Geography of the Ottoman Empire through GIS Technology: Ideas and Prospects" (K. Ebel),
"The Turbe and Zaviye of the Father of Gazi Evrenos Bey in the Valley of the Kriva Lakavitsa in the Republic of Macedonia" (M. Kiel),
"Privileges Granted by the Ottomans to the People of Epirus in Greek Sources" (M. Delilbasi),
"Appropriation vs. Accommodation: Transferring the Confessional Loci in Fourteenth-Century Brusa" (S. Cagaptay);
June 18/Wednesday: "Archaeological Findings, Trade Relations and İstanbul in the 19th Century" (F. Yenisehirlioglu),
"Belgrad-Istanbul Askeri Yolunda Bir Ticaret
Kavsagı: Nis Gümrüğü (19. yüzyil)" (G. Yarci);
June 19/Thursday:
"İntihab: Election Processes in the Ottoman Provincial Politics (18th century)" (A. Yaycioglu),
"Ottoman Eighteenth Century Revisited: Dynastic
Notables and Networks" (C. Sahin);
June 20/Friday:
"A Provincial Journalist, Politician and Bureaucrat: Mustafa Bey of Radoviş (d. 1893)" (A. Somel),
"The Distribution of Wealth in the Ottoman Empire (16th-19th Centuries)" (H. Canbakal),
"Reading a Muslim Merchant Network from the End of the Ottoman Empire through Business Correspondence" (A. Mataraci),
"Orient und Okzident: Ekrem Akurgal, Archaeology and the Problem of Monumental Culture" (A Bilsel),
"Bruno Taut and the Turkish Ministry of Culture: Professional Routes as State Architect in Republican Turkey, 1936-1938" (G. Gasco).
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