Events - Part 32

posted by mh on 2007/04/06 01:37

[ Events ]

Istanbul through Byzantine and Ottoman Eyes is the title of a one-day conference to be held in Istanbul on June 2, 2007. The conference is organized by Sabancı University’s Faculty of Arts of Social Sciences on the initiative of Maja Kominko. The provisional program can be viewed below. ---
June 2, 2007 (Saturday)
Sabancı University Communication Centre/Istanbul-Karakoy

[Provisional Program]

9:00 Coffee and Tea
9:15 Opening Paper
9:30 Peter Bell (University of Oxford): The Hippodrome and Social Conflict in the Sixth Century

10:00 Zeynep Yelce (Sabancı University): The Hippodrome as a Politically Charged Space in the Sixteenth century

10:30 Discussion

11:00 Maria Cristina Carile (University of Bologna/RCAC): The Palace of Constantinople and the Heavenly Jerusalem: Imperial Visions in Byzantium

11:30 Barry Wood (Yeditepe University): Palaces, Pavilions and Perspective: Depictions of Architecture in Ottoman Miniature Painting

12:00 Discussion

12:30-14:00 Lunch break

14:00 Anestis Vasilakeris (Bogazici University): Colour as a Structural Element in the Chora Mosaics

14:30 Philipp Niewoehner (German Archaeological Institute), Maja Kominko (Sabancı University): St. Benoit in Galata: Byzantine Origins of a Latin Church in the Ottoman City

15:00 Maximilian Hartmuth (Sabancı University): Quoting Byzantium in Late Ottoman Istanbul

15:15 Discussion

15:45-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 Hakan Erdem (Sabancı University): “Conspiring Infidels and Collaborating Renegades” - A Fifteenth Century Ottoman Controversy around the Resettlement of the City
16:30 Discussion
16:45 Tulay Artan (Sabancı University): The Ottoman Divan Yolu

17:15 Metin Kunt (Sabancı University): A Princely Progress through the City

17:45 Discussion

18:15 Closing Remarks

A final program/reminder will be posted here shortly before the event. Please don't hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions.



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