posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/05/09 21:28
[ Events ]
The regional Forum entitled "Cultural Corridors in South-East Europe: Common Past and Shared Heritage - A Key to Future Partnership" will be held on 20 and 21 May in Varna (Bulgaria) in particular to encourage heads of state of South-East Europe to promote this region as a potential ground for meeting, recognition and peace with culture very much to the fore. The Forum will take the form of a round table to favour dialogue between political decision-makers (10 countries of the region represented), experts and representatives of European and international organisations (Council of Europe, European Commission, ICOMOS, UNESCO, etc.) and is expected to lead to the adoption of a Declaration and plan of action that have the wherewithal to wield effective influence on development policies and activities for the preservation and promotion of the region’s cultural heritage strengthening social cohesion.source:
more at the Unesco portal
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