Events - Part 2
posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/06/02 19:16
[ Events ]
Those who happen to be in London on June 6, 2005, might want to consider attending a lecture on Cultural Heritage and Postwar Recovery in Bosnia-Herzegovina by Amra Hadzimuhamedovic from the BiH Commission to Preserve National Monuments. Monday, 6 June 2005, 7 to 9 PMUniversity of Westminster, 309 Regent Street,
London, W1
Amra Hadzimuhamedovic is a commissioner (and former chair) of the Commission
to Preserve National Monuments set up under Annex 8 of the Dayton peace
agreement, and a leading authority on the architectural heritage of
Bosnia-Herzegovina. Born in Stolac (about which she has published
extensively), she has worked on urbanism projects from Brcko to Pocitelj;
occupied a variety of key positions in spatial planning and urban renewal;
led restoration programmes throughout the Federation of B-H; lectured at
many international academic institutions (notably in the USA and Italy); and
published widely on the destruction and recovery of B-H's architectural
heritage. Teaching at the University of Sarajevo, she serves as a Council of
Europe expert involved in drafting the new European Convention on Cultural
Helen Walasek
The Bosnian Institute
14-16 St Mark's Rd
London W11 1RQ
Tel: 44(0)20-7243-2900
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