Events - Part 3
posted by maximilian hartmuth on 2005/06/05 02:09
[ Events ]
Between June 30 and July 31 there will be an exhibition "From Europe to Istanbul - Art Nouveau" at the Topkapi Palace (first courtyard, Imperial Mint Building), in the context of the 2005 Congress of the Union of International Architects to be held in Istanbul July 3-10. ---ART NOUVEAU (1890-1930)
From Europe to Istanbul
“ART NOUVEAU (1890-1930) From Europe to Istanbul” exhibition which is going to be held between June 30-July 31, 2005 in the context of the UIA(Union of International Architects) Congress, will be realized in the Imperial Mint Building –located at the first courtyard of the Topkapý Palace- in the hall number 3.3 and the rooms related.
In order to emphasize the concurrent evolution of Art Nouveau, as an important avant-garde art movement born in Europe in the late 19th century, in European cities and Istanbul, the exhibition is going to include Art Nouveau items from several European cities with Istanbul at the focus.
Such a variety will provoke the visitors to reconsider the common grounds, the similarities and the variations of Art Nouveau in European cities with different geographical and cultural background. The exhibition will emphasize the Ottoman interpretation of Art Nouveau, which emerged in Europe, yet was later verified and enriched with local contributions. The Ottoman interpretation will be visualized by the display of materials manufactured in Istanbul or designs that are unique for Istanbul, especially the architectural heritage.
Istanbul Art Nouveau architecture will be presented with the photographs, drawings, sketches, models and moulages of several buildings including the works of the Italian architect R. D’Aronco, the designer of many important Art Nouveau buildings in Istanbul. The reflection of the style on daily-use objects will be revealed through the exposition of locally manufactured carpets, furniture, glass-work, and printed material with Art Nouveau motives in their graphic design, such as the woman magazines. The paintings of Avni Lifij, a famous symbolist painter of the period, will enrich the general concept of the exhibition.
Introducing the Art Nouveau in their cities, the participation of representatives from Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Finland, Latvia, Netherlands, UK, Spain, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia are confirmed.
Director/curator: Prof. Dr. Afife BATUR
Curator advisor: Münevver EMÝNOÐLU
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ayla ÖDEKAN
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Semra GERMANER
Coordinator: Dr. Yýldýz SALMAN
Conservator: Þennur ÞENTÜRK
Exhibition designer: Ahmet ÖZGÜNER
Graphic designer: Eray MAKAL
Photographer: MArch. Banu KUTUN
Archive researcher: MArch.. Ayþe AKYIL
Secretary: MArch. Nurdan KUBAN
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