Events - Part 34
posted by mh on 2007/04/09 13:40
[ Events ]
More events in Istanbul. The Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations is hosting a mini-symposium on Architecture and Text on April 18, 2007, after 4PM. Chaired by Zeynep Kuban, the presentations are as follows: Martin Seyer: "Rock Tomb and Sarcophagus: Considering Combined Tomb Buildings in Lycia"; Maria-Cristina Carile: "Imperial Palaces and Heavenly Jerusalems: Perceptions of Sacred Places"; Jonathan Bardill: "Text, Archaeology, and the Architecture of the Church of St. Polyeuktos"; Deniz Karakas: "Clay Pipes and Marble Fountains: Composers of Urbanism in Early Eighteenth-Century Istanbul".< previous Posting next >
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