Events - Part 27
posted by mh on 2006/11/14 13:04
[ Events ]
More lectures/conferences this Friday and Saturday: in Istanbul (Goethe Institut, Nov 18, 10AM-, at the conference "Dark Days of the Past, Historical Profession and Public Opinion") Ileana Moroni will speak about The Second Fall of Constantinople: The Events of September 1955 in the Greek Public Opinion and Halil Berktay on 'The Moral Atmosphere of Dictatorship' for the Izmir fire and the Armenian genocide: Technologies for Perpetuating Myths, Smearing Scholarship, Monopolizing Public Space and Discourse. At Harvard (Nov 17, 10:50) Klaus Kreiser will ask: Did Abdurrahman Hibri Efendi (d. 1676) Introduce the Genre 'Urban History' in Ottoman Historiography?< previous Posting next >
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