Wanted: Specialists on Education in SEE
[ Call for papers ]
Transitions Online (TOL), a media development non-governmental
organization based in Prague, is commissioning an article series on
education reform across various target regions, including Southeastern
Europe, on behalf of the Open Society Institute's Education Support
Program. TOL is looking for articles on the education reform process in Albania,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova,
Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria.
The articles are meant to be "snapshots" summarizing, in a
manner accessible to non-experts, the state of education in the target
In particular, the stories will focus on disparities and effective
strategies to address them, namely:
* Social exclusion: equal access to quality education for low income
* desegregation of children from minority groups;
* inclusion and adequate care for children with special needs;
* openness and accountability in education systems and education
reforms: equitable and efficient state expenditures on education;
* anticorruption and transparency; accountable governance and
* open society values in education: social justice and social action;
* diversity and pluralism;
* critical and creative thinking.
Not every issue will be tackled in each report, but these topics will
serve as a guideline. You are free to decide which themes are of
greatest urgency and relevance for your country.
The style will be journalistic, rather than academic, with on-site
interviews with the relevant experts. The average length of the articles
will be between 1,200-1,500 words.
The pay is $250 USD, and the deadline is by the middle of March.
Please contact Kristy Ironside at ironsidek@tol.
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