Call for papers - Part 6
[ Call for papers ]
Here is some information on forthcoming conferences on the Western Balkans/EU/democratisation/transition/minorities (more details below). Please note the deadlines for sending in your abstract! From 4-6 October 2007, the Second Annual Conference on Human Security, Terrorism and Organized Crime in the Western Balkans will take place in Sarajevo. Until 21 September 2007 you can send in your paper for a conference on "Integration in Eastern European Societies: Minorities between Nation-States and Europe" in Cambridge. A conference on "Migration and Identity in the European Union" will be held in Oradea/Romania on November 8th-9th, 2007 (deadline for sending in abstracts: 1 October 2007). The Woodrow Wilson International Centre organizes a Seminar in Thessaloniki on "Greece, the Western Balkans and the European Union" (deadline: 1 October 2007). The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) is holding its 18th Annual Conference on "Nationalism, East and West: Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood" in April 2008 in London (deadline: 1 November). Two workshops will be organised dealing with the year 1989: The global 1989, a workshop to be held at LSE in early summer 2008 (deadline: 30 November 2007); and a workshop in the US (East Coast) in April 2008 on The World in 1989 - New sources and interpretations of trans-national and regional interdependency across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas (deadline: 30 November 2007).Second Annual Conference on Human Security, Terrorism and Organized
Crime in the Western Balkans: the influence of transnational
terrorist and criminal organizations on the state and on the society, 4 - 6 October 2007, Sarajevo (BiH)
On behalf of the HUMSEC project partners, the ETC Graz, Ludwig
Maximilian University Munich and the University of Sarajevo are
pleased to invite you to the Second Annual Con-ference on "Human
Security, Terrorism and Organized Crime in the Western Balkans: the
influence of transnational terrorist and criminal organizations on
the state and on the society", from 4 - 6 October in Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The HUMSEC Project is a coordination action under the Sixth Framework
Programme. The purpose of this project is to establish a network of
experts in order to contribute to a better understanding of the link
between transnational terrorist groups and criminal organizations in
the Western Balkans and their role in the peace-building process in
the region.
The Conference will offer researchers a platform to present and
discuss project results on the issues of human security, terrorism
and organized crime in the Western Balkan region. The participation
in the Conference is free of charge and will take place at the
Bosniak Institut in Sarajevo (Mula Mustafe Bašeskije 21).
For more information about the project, the conference, the
conference program and registration, please visit the HUMSEC website.
Call for Papers
"Integration in Eastern European Societies: Minorities between Nation-States and Europe" -
The British Association for Slavonic and East
European Studies BASEES Conference 29-31 May 2008,
Fitzwilliam College Cambridge
Numerous studies have focused on ethnic minorities
in Eastern Europe mostly emphasising nationalising
policies, the problem of external homelands, and
effects of EU-enlargement on relations between
majorities and minorities. In addition to existing
studies this panel seeks to address the efforts
taken by CEEC for integrating national minorities in
their society. The panel aims at reviewing practices
and programmes of social integration since 1989 by
implementing Social Integration Programmes of
various kinds.
We would like to welcome case-studies investigating
the development of state minority integration
programmes from various perspectives. The
contributions should address the following
questions, but are not limited by these:
* Which role are state actors, international
organisations, local communities and minority groups
playing when initiating and executing integration
* Which ideological, political or other conceptions
stand behind these integration programmes?
* What is the international and domestic legal basis
for minority integration?
* What - if any - was the role of minorities in the
drafting of these programmes?
* Has the original framework of integration
programmes changed since its first application
* Which problems emerged during implementation?
* Can EU conditionality be made responsible for the
implementation of integration programmes? What has
changed with EU membership?
Potential paper givers should submit an abstract of
not more than 250 words, and a brief academic CV,
including institutional affiliation and major foci
of research until Friday, September 21st to
convenors: Malte Brosig, University of Portsmouth,; Timofey Agarin, University of Aberdeen,
International Conference:
Migration and Identity in the European Union
Date: November 8th-9th, 2007 -
Location: Oradea, Romania -
Organizer: Research Center on Identity and Migration
Issues, Faculty of Political Science and
Communication, University of Oradea, Romania, -
Official language: English -
Extended deadline for abstract submission: October
1st, 2007.
Content: The aim of this international conference is
to bring together scholars/specialists involved on the
research of migration and to consolidate the
partnerships established with researchers from Romania
and abroad and also to open future directions for
cooperation and to identify new research
This call is an invitation for papers related to the
following topics:
1. Labor migration within the European Union-
realities, policies, expectations
2. Migration and participation: civic attitudes,
economical and socio-political rights of migrants
3. National Identity and European Identity
Proposal submission: Proposals (including a paper
title and a 250-300 words abstract of the proposed
paper) should be submitted by email as MS Word
attachment to, before October 1, 2007. The
papers presented at the conference will be published
in the Journal of Migration and Identity Studies (see
Fees: There is no participation fee for the conference
but the travel and accommodation costs are to be
covered by the participants.
The East European Studies program of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars invites you to respond to the following Call for Papers, for a Niarchos Foundation-sponsored project on "Greece, the Western Balkans and the European Union." A seminar will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece November 30-December 2, 2007.
The recent successful accession of 10 postcommunist member states into the European Union is perceived as evidence that the EU is better able than any other international entity to stabilize and reform the Western Balkans. At the same time, however, the countries of this region are clearly distinct from other postcommunist states in ways that may undermine the European integration policy such as state weakness, economic underdevelopment and widespread corruption. Moreover, recent academic literature on the EU accession process has revealed gaps in the EU’s capacity to address the problems of democratic consolidation, civil society development and minority rights protection. In the post-war countries of the former Yugoslavia, these issues cannot be addressed without international support. In order for EU and NATO accession to help pull the region out of its current stagnation, the international community will need to come up with new, complex strategies to adapt the accession process to the specific needs of this region.
The call for papers seeks to spur scholars and practitioners to consider ways in which to introduce innovative thinking on how to use EU and NATO conditionality to address the unique problems in the Western Balkans. Sample problems/questions include:
- Some countries of Southeast Europe do not show as much enthusiasm for European integration as countries involved in earlier waves of enlargement (such as the Baltic States). How can this be addressed by the international community?
- Can certain parts of the acquis communautaire be made to do ‘double duty.’ For example, can the chapters on education be geared toward promoting ethnic integration in Bosnia? Can European Regional policy offer solutions for Serbs in Kosovo?
- The accession process to the Western Balkans would seem to require an additional layer of adequate policy tools to address the specific problems in the region. What types of tools could be used? How would they be employed and by whom?
- What special role can be played by neighboring states, such as Greece, in bringing this region into the European fold? What insights might be offered by recent EU accession countries that might offer lessons to the countries of the Western Balkans?
Contributors who respond to the call for papers may be selected by the EES program to prepare research papers and make presentations at a seminar in Thessaloniki, Greece, which will be held November 30-December 2, 2007. The Wilson Center will cover travel and hotel expenses for those attending the conference.
The papers resulting from the project will be reviewed, edited and published as conference proceedings and distributed to a wide audience. The publication will be presented at a public event at the Wilson Center, which would allow select research project participants to present their findings to the wider Washington DC policy community. In this way, we hope that conclusions and recommendations gleaned from the program will have the greatest impact possible.
Proposals should be 500 words in length and must be accompanied by a CV. Please send proposals by email to: by October 1, 2007. Proposal selection will be completed by mid-October 2007.
First draft papers will be due November 19, 2007, in time for distribution to all conference participants.
Proposal Guidelines
**Proposals should be 500 words, accompanied by a CV
** Articles should be 5,000- 8,000 words.
** Citations should be formatted to the author-date system outlined in The Chicago Manual of Style.
** All formatting and grammar should follow The Chicago Manual of Style.
The 18th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity
and Nationalism (AESN) will take place from April 15-16, 2008, at the
London School of Economics (LSE). The conference theme will be:
"Nationalism, East and West: Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood".
Suggested themes for panels and individual papers include: civic and
ethnic aspects of nation formation, alternatives to civic and ethnic
nationalism, immigration, citizenship and multiculturalism.
PhD students
are encouraged to submit proposals. Proposals/abstracts (-500w) should be
submitted prior to November 1, 2007, via the conference website: Send further
enquiries to:
It has long been standard in the field of nationalism studies to
classify nations according to which principle serves to unify the
nation. The distinction between the Western, political type of
nationalism, and Eastern, genealogical nationalism as systematised by
Hans Kohn in 1945 has been used, extended and adjusted by scholars of
nationalism to conceptualise a framework of "inclusive" nationalism
based on citizenship and territory and "exclusive" nationalism based
on common ethnic ties and descent. This conference seeks to assess the
continuing relevance of this dichotomy in its various forms: its
contribution to theoretical work on nationalism, its usefulness for
historical interpretation and its value for contemporary policy-making.
The conference will include keynote addresses from leading scholars in
the field, along with opportunities for scholars from various
disciplines to examine the relevance of ethnic and civic conceptions
of nationhood in a series of panel sessions. Suggested themes include:
- Civic and Ethnic Aspects of Nation Formation
- Is Nationalism a European Phenomenon?
- Alternatives to Civic and Ethnic Nationalism
- Experiences of Historical Migrant Nations
- Citizenship and Immigration
- Multiculturalism
The first day will explore the use of the classical dichotomy in
theoretical works on nationalism, national identity and nation
formation. By considering historical case studies, the development,
interaction and conflict of ethnic and civic types of nationalism will
be analyzed on the second day. Historical critiques of and
alternatives to dichotomous types like the civic/ethnic and East/West
will also be considered. On the third day, the framework of civic and
ethnic nationalism will be explored by focussing on contemporary
nationalism and approaches to citizenship and immigration.
The 2008 Conference Committee is now calling for papers to be
presented on the conference. The application is open to any researcher
who is interested in the study of nationalism and/or ethnicity, and
PhD students and young scholars are particularly encouraged to apply.
The abstracts of the proposed papers should not exceed 500 words and
are expected by November 1, 2007. The Committee will notify applicants
by November 30, 2007. Please see the ASEN website
( for more information and to submit
your proposal.
Suggestions for panels and additional themes are also welcome. Papers
submitted to the conference will be considered for publication in a
special issue of Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (SEN).
Please note that ASEN cannot cover travel and accommodation costs.
Presenters are expected to register for the conference. Further
enquiries are welcome at
The global 1989:
Call for a workshop to be held at LSE in early summer 2008. The workshop
aims to
generate a collection of papers for publication in an edited volume to mark the
twentieth anniversary of 1989.
Centre for International Studies, LSE -
Cold War Studies Centre, LSE -
BISA Historical Sociology and IR Working Group -
Research Network 1989 -
The ramifications of ‘1989’ are not limited to Europe. Of course, the collapse
of the Soviet empire, the revolutions of 1989, and the dissolution of state
socialism in Europe were important events in their own right. But their impact
spread much further afield, generating a period of uncertainty and turbulence
in world politics which is still being felt today.
In anticipation of the twentieth anniversary of 1989, we invite
contributions to
a workshop focusing on how to explain and interpret ‘the global 1989’.
In particular, we are interested in thinking through the ‘time’ and ‘space’ of
1989, looking at:
The place of 1989 in world historical perspective: How significant is 1989?
How does it compare to comparable landmark events, moments and processes? What
are the principal global legacies of 1989?
The impact of 1989 around the world, in terms of: a) invigorating debates
about a range of global issues from the extension of US power to exploring new
forms of interventionism, the changing role of the EU, the rise of China, the
impact of global terrorism, and the emergence of culture as an important site
of geopolitical conflict; and b) stimulating novel forms of inter-state and
intra-state politics, including the extent to which regions have becoming fully
fledged actors in their own right.
Proposed format
Anticipated number of participants: 8-12
Deadline for expressions of interest, including an abstract for a proposed
contribution: 30 September 2007
Draft version of 7-8,000 words ready for circulation among workshop
participants: 30 March 2008
Workshop at LSE: May/June 2008
Deadline for revised submissions: 30 August 2008
Publication: 2009
For more information about this event, please contact George Lawson
(, Convenor of the Historical Sociology and IR working
group, and Chris Armbruster, Executive Director, Research Network 1989
The world in 1989:
New sources and interpretations of trans-national and regional
interdependency across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas
Transregional Center for Democratic Studies, New School for Social
Research - World History Network - Research Network 1989 -
The fall of the Berlin Wall, the conflict at Tiananmen and the break
up of the Soviet empire were events of global significance in 1989.
Yet, 1989 may equally well be remembered as the year that signalled
the end of apartheid and the flowering of pro-democracy movements in
Europe, Asia, Africa and America.
In anticipation of the twentieth anniversary in 2009, we invite
contributions examining trans-national interdependencies as well as
interconnections within and among regions in the period centred on
1989. We are interested in the full variety of world regions: Central
and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Western Europe, Eastern Asia, Southern
Asia, Southern Africa, the Middle East, Western and Central Africa,
Latin America, Australia and North America.
We ask the following pointed questions to garner interested responses
but also divergent opinions: A) How were the pro-democracy movements
of 1989 connected? Can we show a networked interdependence or was
their appearance coincidental, driven by global change? Did the
movements learn from each other and, if so, by what technological,
social and cultural means? B) The Soviet empire vanished. Looking not
just at the USSR, but also the outer empire and the global political
network of clients, supporters and (alienated) allies: Can we show
that movements significantly contributed to the break up of the
empire or did it collapse, possibly driven by external political,
economic or technological change, particularly in the Anglo-Saxon
world? C) The CCP state survived. What were the implications of the
confrontation at Tiananmen for other events in 1989? What will be the
lasting regional and global impact of the divergent trajectories of
China, Russia and central and eastern Europe? What was the mix of
global and local factors in the movements of Africa and Latin
America? D) Struggles of class, gender and ethnicity. If we look at
1989 through this lens: What can we say about the meaning of
democracy for the actors, particularly in relation to notions of
communism and socialism? How were pro-democracy movements based in
gender, class and ethnicity? What was the outcome of 1989 in terms of
the global realignment of inequalities and difference?
Proposed format:
- Anticipated number of authors: 10-15, plus discussants
- Deadline for expressions of interest: 30 November 2007
- Draft version of 6-7,000 words ready for circulation among workshop
- participants: 30 April 2008 Workshop (East Coast, USA): May/June 2008
- Revisions to be completed by 30 August 2008 Book Publication: 2009
Organising Committee (in reverse alphabetical order):
Elzbieta Matynia is Professor of Liberal Studies and Sociology at the
New School, New York. She is also Director of the Transregional
Center for Democratic Studies -, which
studies democracy and diversity in CEE, South Africa and Latin
America. Elzbieta is the author of Furnishing Democracy at the end of
the Century: Negotiating Transition at the Polish Roundtable & Others
(2001). Her current research is on nationalism and ethnic conflict;
new democracies in East and Central Europe; and women and democratic
Patrick Manning is Andrew W. Mellon Professor of World History at the
University of Pittsburgh. Patrick is the author of a comparison of
1789 and 1989, with work in progress on democratization movements,
1989-1992, particularly in western and central Africa. He was trained
as a specialist in the economic history of Africa. Patrick is
President of the World History Network, a nonprofit corporation
fostering research in world history -
Padraic Kenney is Professor of History at Indiana University and
President of the Polish Studies Association in the United States. He
is the author of A Carnival of Revolution: Central Europe 1989 (2002)
and The Burdens of Freedom : Eastern Europe Since 1989 (2006).
Currently, he is in the process of preparing an edited collection of
sources and documents on 1989 around the world.
Chris Armbruster is the Executive Director of the Research Network
1989 - j Chris was born in the
American Sector of Berlin and while researching the fall of the
Soviet empire and the revolutions of 1989 he spent much time in
Poland, Hungary and Siberia. He is an alumnus of the Civic Education
Project and the European University Institute. His sociological work
is dedicated to exploring explanations and interpretations of 1989:
For more information about this event, please contact Elzbieta Matynia,
Director, Transregional Center for Democratic Studies -; Patrick Manning, President, World History Network -; or, Chris Armbruster, Executive Director, Research
Network 1989 -
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