Call for papers - Part 3

posted by julia on 2007/08/08 00:50

[ Call for papers ]

The Center for EU Enlargement Studies of the Central European University Budapest is organising a workshop on "A Roadmap for the Western-Balkans: Using IPA and other EU Funds to Accelerate Convergence and Integration" in Brussels in October 2007 (TBC). Target groups: junior researchers and academics, senior policy-makers from EU institutions, member states, and Western-Balkan countries. Paper proposals can be submitted until 13 August 2007.

The main aim of this one day workshop is to take stock of pre-accession funds available for Western-Balkan candidate- and potential candidate countries, their ability to manage and absorb financial assistance received from the EU, and to contribute to identifying fields of program implementation. The workshop also aims to discuss the role that new EU member states can play in transferring know-how on identifying development needs and the management of fund absorption. As a result, convergence perspectives of the region can be assessed as well as the role of the wider region in assisting in the development of the Western-Balkans. The workshop brings together junior researchers and academics with senior policy-makers from EU institutions, member states, and Western-Balkan countries.

A call for papers is now addressed to post-graduate researchers interested in presenting a paper at the workshop. Proposals should address one of the following themes:
* A general description of the new IPA scheme
* IPA*s strengths and weaknesses; analysis of the effects of differentiation between candidate - and potential candidate countries under the IPA framework
* An assessment of the EU aid policy toward the Western-Balkan countries. Is it well-suited to address the most urgent needs of these countries, including achieving economic growth?
* The preparedness of individual candidate- and potential candidate countries to accommodate financial resources, such as management, absorption capacity, and programming capacities
* Identifying fields of action in program implementation contributing to regional growth
* An assessment of the work of the European Agency for Reconstruction and its role under the new IPA scheme. Do the programs managed by the EAR trigger further reform processes in the region?
* The potential of former candidate countries from the last wave of enlargement that benefited from the schemes of PHARE and SAPARD to transfer know-how of funds management, and application to the Western-Balkan countries.

Proposals should be received by 13 August 2007 and should include:
* a paper abstract of up to 500 words
* title of proposed paper
* one-paragraph bio of the author

All applicants will be informed of the decision by 17 August 2007. Final papers should be submitted by 30 September 2007 (approximate length 6,000 words). The Conference*s working language is English. Those selected to present their paper will have their accommodation and travel costs covered.

Please submit paper proposals, in a Word document, together with full contact details to: Anna Reich.



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All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.
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