August 2007

Civil society - Part 162007/08/04 22:37
Media and blogs - Part 112007/08/05 02:42
Serbia - Part 92007/08/08 00:41
Call for papers - Part 32007/08/08 00:50
Media and blogs - Part 122007/08/08 00:55
Jobs - Part 152007/08/08 21:38
Kosova-o - Part 572007/08/09 09:43
Kosova-o - Part 582007/08/09 09:53
Conferences - Part 212007/08/09 22:42
MA - PhD studies - Part 82007/08/09 23:56
Western Balkans and EU - Part 392007/08/13 21:56
Kosova-o - Part 592007/08/13 23:13
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 282007/08/17 09:41
Media and blogs - Part 132007/08/17 09:43
Western Balkans and EU - Part 402007/08/18 10:48
Montenegro - Part 32007/08/18 20:50
Call for papers - Part 42007/08/23 22:53
Media and blogs - Part 142007/08/25 10:29
Conferences - Part 222007/08/25 11:18
Call for papers - Part 52007/08/25 11:34
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 292007/08/27 22:34


This weblog is a forum for discussion on the political and social processes linked to EU integration in the Western Balkans. We would also like to use this space to create a virtual network of researchers on this topic. You are most welcome to contribute to this weblog with comments, postings, links, or photos. Please use the "add comment" function at the end of each posting!
All photos by the Photo Arts Collective of Kosovo. First photo by Burim Myftiu (Swimming olympiade in Klina). Second photo by Mimoza. Third photo by Dashmir Izairi.
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