Stellenauschreibung | Job Openings - Part 11

posted by olivera on 2006/08/04 11:02

[ Stellenauschreibung | Job Openings ]

The Academic Training Association (ATA), through its regional Private Sector Development project, regularly offers paid internship positions in South East and Western Europe for students that are in an advanced stage of their studies or have recently graduated.
About 10 students from South East Europe are currently on an ATA-sponsored internship or getting ready to start one soon. More positions will follow soon. At this moment, a new position has opened at the:
Business Start-up Centre Kosovo (Pristina, Kosovo) for flexible, reliable, hard working, enthusiastic, considerate, open-minded and friendly students of Business Administration, Economics, Human Resources Management, Finance, Entrepreneurship, International Relations, or similar field.

Submit the internship registration, together with your CV, letter of motivation, and certificate of grades (all in English) to by September 1, 2006.



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