Veranstaltungen | Conferences - Part 32
[ Veranstaltungen | Conferences ]
Today is the day: Emergence 3, our workshop on Media in SEE after 1945 starts at 4 pm.Central and South East Europe has witnessed fundamental socio-political changes since 1945, whose after effects continue to affect the region until today. The workshop deals with the question how these changes have affected the media landscapes of the countries in the region and whether one can speak of continuities of the media phenomena in the region despite the changed societal structures after 1945. What role has been awarded to the media landscapes of Central and South East Europe during and after the cold war in media theoretical research so far? What relationship is there to be found between the media in the region and real political circumstances?
These and other questions will be open for debate. Workshop participants and discussants are academics, journalists, webloggers of the Kakanien revisited-Weblogs and the Kakanien revisited editorial team.
This workshop will be the last in the series of workshop on Emergence, which were conducted in the course of the last year under the auspices of the weblog project of the internet platform Kakanien revisited ( At the first Workshop Emergenzen // Online-Publishing / Weblogs webloggers and experts met in Vienna on August 11 and 12, 2005 to discuss their experiences, possibilities and development of weblogs as an academic medium. The second workshop, Emergenzen am Rande // Medienkonfigurationen um 1900 und 2000, took place from December 1 to 3, 2005 in cooperation with the Institute of German Philology of the Eötvös-Loránd-University in Budapest and focussed on new media networks and peripheralised media phenomena, investigating their innovative capacities in the areas of film, theatre, journalism and new media.
The workshop Emergence3 – Media in Central and South East Europe since 1945 will begin on February 2, 2006 at 4pm at die Drahtwarenhandlung, Neustiftgasse 57-59, 1070 Wien. Workshop languages will be English and German.
The workshop is a public event – all who are interested are welcome to participate!
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