Bosnien | Bosnia - Part 27
posted by nedad on 2006/02/23 12:09
[ Bosnien | Bosnia ]
In January 2006 the first number of a new online-journal Duh Bosne / Spirit of Bosnia was launched with support of Department of Sociology at the Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, and the Foundation Anna Budd Ware. The journal is considered to be "international, interdisciplinary, and bilingual". This first number comprises texts of prominent scholars (e.g. Muhamed Filipović, Rusmir Mahmutćehajić) or poetry by one of the greatest Bosnian poets Mak Dizdar (especially valuable are translations of Dizdar's poems into English!)Judging by the prominent Editorial Staff, this online-journal could grow into a very respectable scientific and art publication.
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