Veranstaltungen | Conferences - Part 29
posted by usha on 2005/11/19 09:09
[ Veranstaltungen | Conferences ]
Remembrance and Violence in Former Yugoslavia is a conference, organised by the IFK within the event series "Der Widerstreit der Erinnerungen" which is going to be held on November 23, 2005 in the Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna.The conference’s objective is an indepth-analysis of the role of competing historic narratives, their possible contribution to the violent dissolution of Yugoslavia, and an assessment of how the successor states and their societies could deal with the bloody heritage of memory and history today. The speakers will reflect on the function and current role of "ethnic" discourses, the chances for building a solid civil society in the successor states, and will also discuss the options for implementing a policy of "truth and reconciliation" in order to pacify the Balkans and move the region closer to European integration.
For the detailed programme, see here.
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