Call for Papers-Call for Applications - Part 19
posted by olivera on 2005/03/23 22:01
[ Call for Papers-Call for Applications ]
International Summer Academy on Human Rights and Human Security 2005.The lack of opportunity to study the relationship between Human Rights, Human Development and Human Security has inspired the idea of the ETC International Summer Academy which in the last two years turned out to be a very successful and sustainable event.
The ETC established the Summer Academy in the Human Rights City of Graz as a way to enhance the realization of the Human Security agenda Democracy (ETC). The ETC's annual Summer Academy in 2005 is dedicated to the discussion on the Relations between human Rights Education and Citizenship Education.
The topics are:
- The Concept of Human Security
- Linking Human Rights, Human Security and Human Development with Education
- Which Education for a Democratic Citizenship?
- Linking the Concepts of Human Rights Education, Citizenship Education, Peace Education and Intercultural Education
- Building Security through Education – the post-conflict Challenge
- Education, Democratization and Governance-building – Societies in Transition
- The Responsibility of Democracies – Education Programmes and their Implementation under the Auspices of raising Racism, Anti-Semitism and Right Wing Radicalism
- Assessment, Evaluation and Quality Assurance in Human Rights Education and Citizenship Education
Please find more informations and the application form on Kakanien revisited.
ETC, Schubertstrasse 29/I;
8010 Graz, Austria;
Phone: + 43 / 316 / 322888 20;
Fax: + 43 / 316 / 322888 4;
e-mail:Barbara Schmiedl
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