Research Fellow Potsdam
[ Researcher ]
The Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam (Center of Contemporary History Potsdam) invites applications for the position of a Research fellow (m/f) (TV-L E 13/E 14). Candidates for this position should hold a Ph.D. in the Humanities and Social Sciences with a focus on East European and East Central European contemporary history. Further, candidates should have an international record of research experience and relevant experiences in project coordination and research fund raising. Excellent knowledge of English and one East Central European language and basic knowledge of German are required for this position. Deadline for applications: November 19, 2010.
The successful candidate will coordinate the international network project “Physical violence and State Legitimacy in Late Socialism” and also work on a research project on East European and East Central European contemporary history which should refer to the international network project. The working language of the research network will be English. Research fellows at the ZZF are expected to participate in academic teaching at one of the universities in Berlin or Potsdam.
For queries about the network project and the position contact Dr. Jens Gieseke (e-mail:
For the time being, employment is limited in duration to five years. The position is subject to budgetary approval.
The Center of Contemporary History Potsdam aims to increase the number of women in research and therefore explicitly encourages the application of qualified female academics. Severely challenged individuals with essentially equal qualification will be preferred.
Please submit your application and a project proposal by 19 November 2010
Contact: Mrs. Ursula Schulz, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Verwaltung, Am Neuen Markt 1, 14467 Potsdam, Germany
Please note that we do not return application documents. If you would like your application returned to you, please include a stamped envelope.
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