Research Ass. Polish Studies Cambridge
[ Researcher ]
Applications are invited for the post of Research Associate in the Department of Slavonic Studies at University of Cambridge working with Dr Alexander Etkind. This vacancy has arisen as a result of an award from the Newton Trust (Cambridge UK) for the collaborative research project “Memory at War: Cultural Dynamics in Poland, Russia and Ukraine”. Deadline for applications: May 18, 2010.
Also funded by a 2009 HERA JRP grant (Humanities in the European Research Area, Joint Research Program), this project will be based at the University of Cambridge and will be accomplished in association with the Universities of Bergen, Helsinki, Tartu and Groningen.
The project will involve multiple conferences, field trips and publications in which the Research Associate will play a key part.
You will be required to hold a Ph.D and will have demonstrable interests in one or more fields covered by the project. You will also demonstrate a good command of Polish, a reading knowledge of Russian or Ukrainian (or an eagerness to acquire this knowledge at Cambridge), and excellent writing skills in English. You will be aiming to produce an independent monograph in a relevant area of East European Memory Studies (distinct from your doctoral dissertation), preferably by the end of 2012, in time for the 2013 REF. You will help coordinate the large research network of the project, “Memory at War”, and will be responsible for the Polish part of the interactive, state-of-the-art Internet database, which will be mapping memory events across the three target countries in real time. You may also be asked to contribute to the teaching within the Department.
Contact: Department of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 9DA. Tel: 01223-335007, Fax: 01223-335062. Email:, visit the website at
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