Editor German Studies Review
[ Redakteur | Editor ]
The German Studies Association is searching for an editor for its flagship journal, the German Studies Review, the world's leading journal of interdisciplinary German Studies. The new editor will succeed Professor Diethelm Prowe, who will retire at the end of 2011. The editor will be chiefly responsible for the content of the GSR and, with help from the editorial board, will make final determinations about that content. Deadline for application: April 1, 2010.
The journal appears three times annually. The editor will be based at her/his home institution, and, with the assistance of the GSA, will make necessary institutional arrangements to that end. The editor is also a member of the GSA Board and Executive Council and in all these capacities will be in a position significantly to influence the future course of German Studies.
The search committee solicits applications, nominations (including self-nominations), and suggestions for this vitally important position. All nominations, including self-nominations, and inquiries should be submitted NO LATER THAN 1 April 2010 to: Prof. Celia Applegate, President, GSA, capg(at)mail.rochester.edu; or Prof. David E. Barclay, Executive Director, GSA, director(at)thegsa.org. At this stage of application/nomination, we would like only a letter explaining the qualifications of the particular person for this position. If a self-nomination, we would also like to see a CV.
The search committee is composed of Professors Sara Lennox (chair), Kathleen Canning, Kenneth Ledford, Frank Trommler, Helga Welsh, and Celia Applegate and David E. Barclay, ex officio.
Contact Info: German Studies Association, Prof. David E. Barclay, Executive Director, Kalamazoo College, 1200 Academy Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49006-3295.
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