SEE and-in the media (14)
SEE and-in the media - Part 14
The new issue of an online magazine has just been introduced by the Erste Bank Group. It is called "Report", and is a magazine of Kontakt, the
Arts and Civil Society Program of Erste Bank Group, aiming to provide
information about art, human sciences and social affairs in Central and
Eastern Europe....
Their first issue (download here) focuses on Women in East and West (btw, I love the cover by Sanja Ivekovic....
The articles featured in 'Report' might be useful as an inspiration for anybody considering to participate at the CfP posted yesterday (though there is nothing specific about Albania in the magazine)...
SEE and-in the media - Part 13
Maybe old news by now, but here's an update to the last posting about the Eurovision Song Contest. Apart from other bloggers' reactions to the event (btw, 'Balkanvision' seems to be on the way of becoming a dubiously acceptable second name for the Song Contest....), calls for a reform of the voting system have been made (e.g. by the Daily Telegraph)
- and there are finally prominent voices commenting other, more interesting aspects of the event. Happy about the results for reasons not mentioned so far is Germaine Greer in yesterday's Guardian, under the title Watch Eurovision? Only when the triumph of a lesbian Gypsy sweeps away the dross.
SEE and-in the media - Part 12
While watching the Eurovision Song Contest on BBC last Saturday (yes I know, my life sounds sad, but it is just a temporary inability to move), I couldn't help but notice that the commentator was getting increasingly distressed about
a) nobody voting for the UK and
b) the - in his words - "Balkan"-voting.
SEE and-in the media - Part 11
Österreich heißt die neuen EU-Mitglieder mit einem Chor alter Vorurteile willkommen - zu diesem Standard-Artikel spare ich mir hier jedes Kommentar. Es sei nur darauf hingewiesen, dass so etwas mir bestätigt, dass das Grundthema dieses Blogs noch lange nicht obsolet ist....ein Frohes Neues, dann.
SEE and-in the media - Part 10
Just in case somebody was wondering if the British press ever wrote something nice or at least okay about Albanians:
Yes they do, sometimes. Only recently, Time Out London has published this article on Brikena Muharemi, a successful barrister from Kosovo. Including some tips how and where to find the Albanian community - restaurants, cafés, writers and music clubs.....
SEE and-in the media - Part 9
I had been planning to blog about the role of British media in depicting the image of Albanians for quite a while, and AA Gill has now finally caused me to look into that topic again.
His article is by far not an isolated phenomenon; there are various examples for Albania(ns)-bashing in the British media. Dr. Gëzim Alpion (University of Birmingham) has done some research on that:
SEE and-in the media - Part 8
This is somehow a long story, and yet not really, and I do not really know where to start or whether to write it in English or German, so probably I’ll mix the two (sorry for that.)
SEE and-in the media - Part 7
Christmas in the Balkans
Eine letzte Abrechnung mit Weihnachten – wer es nicht mehr hören kann, möge mir verzeihen, wir haben drei Tage an diesem Ding herumgebaut und es scheint ungeahnte Aggressionen freizusetzen. Ich verspreche aber, ab jetzt lasse ich Weihnachten wieder in Ruhe – es ist eh vorbei....
Was ich noch loswerden wollte, waren ein paar Überlegungen zu Weihnachten und “dem Balkan”, insbesondere dem Kosovo.
SEE and-in the media - Part 6
Beim Nachdenken über den Workshop in Budapest ist mir ein etwas älterer Artikel wieder eingefallen, dessen paradoxer Titel ”Zettel mit Antworten auf ungelöste Fragen” im Gedächtnis verblieben ist. Eine andere Art von Zettelkasten entsteht demnach für Bajram Kosumi in Prishtina, wie der Standard vorweihnachts- und spendengerecht berichtete – inklusive Fotos im Müll wühlender Kindern und des Zauns des Regierungsgebäudes mit Bildern Vermisster.
SEE and-in the media - Part 5
Zu meiner Präsentation ”Konflikte online am Beispiel Kosovo”am kommenden Freitag beim Kakanien-Workshop in Budapest hier nun ein erstes Abstract mit den zentralen Stichworten und Literatur/Linkverweisen:
SEE and-in the media - Part 4
The winner of APA’s” journalism prize “Writing for Central- and Eastern Europe” is Diana Ivanova, and her biography plus the text “Frau Bulgarin, Ivan Milev and Gustav Klimt“can be downloaded from this site (in German). Here’s the English version:
SEE and-in the media - Part 3
Another kakanien-weblog has gone online – SEE-EU, a ... forum for discussion on the political and social processes linked to EU integration in the Western Balkans. I have been looking forward to this weblog (and other weblogs which are still to come), also because the political and social topics discussed there are closely related to my own interests in this weblog...
SEE and-in the media - Part 2
Von KulturKontakt Austria gibt es die gleichnamige Zeitschrift KulturKontakt zum downloaden. Zum Inhalt....
SEE and-in the media
The weekly Albanian newspaper in English, Tirana Times , offers news about politics, arts, culture, economy etc. as well as analysis to topics on or related to Albania. It is the first Albanian newspaper for the English speaking community and has been launched in February this year.
The imagineSEE-weblog is a space about ideas, images, (re)inventions and (re)constructions of and about the Balkans, from outside and within SEE.
Any comments or suggestions are welcomed and appreciated, please use "Reply" at the end of each posting or post directly to Sabine Ballata.
This is a part of the collage 'The Black File' by Croatian artist Sanja Ivekovic, who will be represented at documenta 12 (16/6-23/9) in Kassel this year.