SEE and-in the media - Part 3
[ SEE and-in the media ]
Another kakanien-weblog has gone online – SEE-EU, a ... forum for discussion on the political and social processes linked to EU integration in the Western Balkans. I have been looking forward to this weblog (and other weblogs which are still to come), also because the political and social topics discussed there are closely related to my own interests in this weblog...
...somehow, for me they represent the „other“ side of this sphere of images and ideas people have about SEE (and vice versa about the EU), the world of „hard facts“, social realities and processes that are always intertwined with reciprocal constructions and assumptions.
So, a big welcome from ImagineSEE to SEE-EU and have fun blogging! And – great picture!
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The imagineSEE-weblog is a space about ideas, images, (re)inventions and (re)constructions of and about the Balkans, from outside and within SEE.
Any comments or suggestions are welcomed and appreciated, please use "Reply" at the end of each posting or post directly to Sabine Ballata.

This is a part of the collage 'The Black File' by Croatian artist Sanja Ivekovic, who will be represented at documenta 12 (16/6-23/9) in Kassel this year.
