SEE curiosities (5)

 SEE curiosities - Part 5 

posted by sab 17 years ago

On nettime, Ivo Skoric reported on the phenomenon of monuments in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia - Bruce Lee has been joined by a couple of other celebrities:

 SEE curiosities - Part 4 

posted by sab 18 years ago

An update on the bosnian pyramid: Bosnian Pyramid Valley – Greatest Archeological Project in Europe in 2006

The Steering Board of the Foundation "Archeological park: Bosnian pyramid of the Sunî" held a session on Wednesday at which it was concluded that the works on digging up the pyramids in Visoko would be the greatest archeological-geological project in Europe in this year.

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 SEE curiosities - Part 3 

posted by sab 18 years ago

Sensational Discovery: There seems to be a pyramid in Visoko,Bosnia – now if that could be proved, I wonder what new discussions about European identity and the Balkans would arise....

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 SEE curiosities - Part 2 

posted by sab 18 years ago

It seems the new Bruce Lee statue in Mostar hasn’t been welcomed with unanimous sympathy –it’s already been damaged. Here’s another picture....

 SEE curiosities 

posted by sab 18 years ago

A story I couldn’t believe was true when I first heard it, and I’m still not sure what to make of it – maybe BBC News solved my questions with publishing these news as „entertainment“:

Bosnia unveils Bruce Lee bronze
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The imagineSEE-weblog is a space about ideas, images, (re)inventions and (re)constructions of and about the Balkans, from outside and within SEE.

Any comments or suggestions are welcomed and appreciated, please use "Reply" at the end of each posting or post directly to Sabine Ballata.

This is a part of the collage 'The Black File' by Croatian artist Sanja Ivekovic, who will be represented at documenta 12 (16/6-23/9) in Kassel this year.

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